Most miley cyrus gained weight related news are at: – Celebridoodle

Justin Bieber Gets In Bloody Brawl 6 Aug 2013 | 12:27 am

Justin Bieber was involved in a bloody brawl! The pop singer apparently "went nuts" in a club in the affluent New York resort area of the Hamptons. He was in a VIP section of a club called South Poin...

Simon Cowell Knocked Up Best Friends Wife 2 Aug 2013 | 01:49 am

Simon Cowell is going to be a father! The music mogul has reported gotten Lauren Silverman pregnant, the wife of one of his best friends Andrew Silverman. The pair are in the process of getting a div...

More miley cyrus gained weight related news:

Liam Hemsworth Begs Miley Cyrus: Eat Or He’ll Call Off Engagement 28 Jun 2012 | 12:20 am

Liam is so worried about Miley Cyrus dramatic weight loss that he’s threatening to call off the wedding if she doesn’t gain weight — do you think this is a fair ultimatum? Miley Cyrus better act fast...

It Takes More Than Miley Cyrus In a Onesie to Shock Will Smith 27 Aug 2013 | 05:30 am

Will Smith’s Family Was Not Reacting To Miley Cyrus’ Raunchy VMA Performance During the act, Twitter exploded with commentary about the performance. One topic that gained major traction was a photo o...

As Long As Miley Cyrus Is On Stage She's A Disaster 27 Aug 2013 | 03:20 pm

Check out how, only after she's out of the picture, does the performance gain cohesion. Then she pops up again, and it's like, "Oh. My. God." Devastating,...

NY TIMES: "The Parents Television Council’s complaint about the (MTV Video Music Awards), which echoes similar statements it has made in years past, t... 27 Aug 2013 | 06:36 am

NY TIMES: "The Parents Television Council’s complaint about the (MTV Video Music Awards), which...

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