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More milk and tea anh honey related news:
Can Green Tea Help Reducing Weight? 10 Mar 2012 | 05:14 am
Many Americans are turning to green tea to help with weight loss. You’ll drink green tea with sugar or honey and or milk like any different type of tea. If you want something more concentrated you’ll ...
Kathmandu in Your Cup 22 Mar 2013 | 09:02 pm
There are as many ways to enjoy tea as there are tea lovers. Some prefer classics such as chamomile and a bit of honey. Others crave tea lattes with ingredients like steamed almond milk and agave nect...
Milk, Tea & Honey - Two Things Don't Belong: Milk & Sugar Potently Reduce Antioxidant Effects of Green & Black Tea 21 Aug 2013 | 07:42 pm
Chi Latte is a sugar bomb, but no healthy, antioxidant beverage. Over the past couple of weeks it has become relatively quiet in the "tea is good for your health", "tea makes you lose weight magicall...