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Draught list 4 May 2010 | 10:22 am
Dark Amber Pale United States Saint Arnold Santo Magic Hat #9 Real Ale Fireman’s #4 Left Hand Milk Stout Shiner Bock Blue Moon North Coast Old Rasputin Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Live Oak Hefe... 11 May 2011 | 04:58 am
New Beer Arrivals New Belgium Blue Paddle, Avery New World Porter, Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball, Left Hand Milk Stout, North Coast Acme Pale Ale Featured Beer Goose Island’s PEPE NERO Beer Draught Avery El...
Making Kaşar in Kars 16 Aug 2013 | 04:11 am
By noon, I was drenched in whey, caked in cow shit and my left hand itched. It was pretty much the best day ever. It started in the workshop of a small kaşar producer near Kars, where cow’s milk curds...