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Be Prolific: Asking God To Enlarge Your Territory 9 Mar 2013 | 03:40 am
Check Out This Be Prolific The Million Dollar Day Mindset Video What do the ideas of being prolific, having your first million dollar day, how to use a journal have in common!? Quite simply internet m...
My 8 Figure Million Dollar Day Review (ILN) 26 Jul 2013 | 05:06 am
Click HERE to learn more about the Million Dollar Day course!
My First 8 Figure Million Dollar Day Results 26 Aug 2013 | 04:47 pm
The very first training as part of the Internet Lifestyle Network is to take procrastination head on and learn the habits of the highly successful by learning to create exhaustive lists and working ...
How To Get Traffic To Your Website For Free 5 Apr 2012 | 06:50 am
Welcome to day 2 of the exciting series of revealing posts detailing the steps I took to go from near bankrupt newbie, to selling over one million dollars of products online in just 3.5 years. Today w...
Make $100 a Day Online 26 Jan 2012 | 03:54 am
How to make $100 a day online? A question for a million dollars right? Probably You’ve seen the stories about making fast cash online. People have reported that overnight, they’ve made thousands or hu...
Eagles sign DeSean Jackson… finally 15 Mar 2012 | 10:44 am
Adam Schefter of ESPN is reporting that DeSean Jackson has signed a five-year, $51 million dollar contract (15m guaranteed). This comes a few days after DeSean mentioned that he did not mind playing u...
BMW X3 Reviews – 4WD Car Of The Year 12 Jul 2011 | 09:52 pm
The BMW X3 isn’t your every day vehicle, except if needless to say you are the son of the sheik or a modern million dollar lottery winner. You surely need to be well-off to pay for a thing, which can ...
It's Mother's Day 14 May 2012 | 06:42 am
Mother’s Day – an opportunity for all of us to reflect on how terrific our kids are, no matter how challenging, and remember that we wouldn't trade them for the world. Or a million dollars. But mayb....
The Return of Sour Dough – Night One 18 Nov 2011 | 10:48 am
Day One - sponge, starter feeding and grains For those of you lucky dogs and ducks that inherited a piece of my multi-million dollar sourdough starter, here is the first blog post in the series discu...
Penny a Day vs. Millionaire Dollars Activity Lesson 16 Aug 2011 | 11:41 am
Our Penny Vs. Million Dollars Activity has to do with compound growth and is a great way to get anyone to understand the power of money invested over time. Albert Einstein is often quoted as saying th...