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Top 10 List Jack Nicholson Movies You Must See 3 May 2011 | 12:39 am
1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) Director: Milos Forman Writers: Lawrence Hauben (screenplay), Bo Goldman (screenplay), Stars: Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher and Danny DeVito Plot: Upon ...
Which of theese actors are more fit to play Joseph's youngest brother Benjamin in Joseph the ... 30 May 2012 | 02:17 am
What is your vote? 1) David Krumholtz 2) Justin Berfield 3) Michael Welch 4) Milo Ventimiglia 5) Pana Hema Taylor
Aproape 1.500 de litri de combustibil, confiscaţi de Poliţie 18 Jun 2010 | 03:32 am
Două autoutilitare pline cu bidoane de combustibil au fost depistate de poliţişti în apropierea comunei Miloşeşti. Şoferii maşinilor le-au declarat poliţiştilor că au achiziţionat produsul de la un in...
Full Metal Alchemist Movie: Milos no Seinaru Hoshi 29 May 2012 | 03:00 pm
Fullmetal Alchemist - Milos no Seinaru Hoshi Movie mới ra gần đây của BONES, nội dung không diễn ra ở một "alternate world" mà có thể nói nó là 1 side story của câu chuyện chính. Anh Em Elric lần đầu...
Tok Pa bertanding DUN? 6 Dec 2011 | 06:27 pm
nik aziz minum Milo. Tok Pa air suam aje (mujur jernih). Rakyat guna air paip jernih sikit dari air Milo Nik Aziz. Dikala pas Kelantan mengugurkan calon-calon 'import' di kubu-kubu parlimen yg kuat u...
juve menang dramatis 13 Dec 2010 | 02:38 pm
Secara dramatis, Juventus meraih poin penuh kala menjamu Lazio di Olimpico, Senin (13/12) dinihari WIB. Juventus menang 2-1 dengan Milos Krasic menjadi pahlawan kemenangan mereka. Krasic mencetak gol...
Movie @ TSM 9 Feb 2011 | 05:11 am
Entri kali ni aku nak wat pasal movie pulak, sempena ngan CNY yang lepas, aku pun layan la citer Ipman nih. Perghhh, citer ni memang stylo-milo habis, huhuhu Sebenarnye dah lame dah movie ni de dalam ...
PUT KRIŽA 26 Feb 2012 | 08:42 am
Uvodna molitva Premilostivi Bože, Isuse Kristel Evo duša moja s rastuženom Majkom tvojom Marijom ide za tobom i prati te na teškom putu tvoje pregorke muke. Okrijepi me svojom milošću da mogu strplji...
Eric is Filled With Dallas and Milo’s Cock 4 Jun 2011 | 05:10 am
When Dallas Evans, Eric Pryor, and Milo Sommers hook up for a gay menage a trois you know the action is going to be hot hot hot. Eric is in the middle during the interview part of this Randy Blue vide...
Punto y aparte 18 Jul 2011 | 07:32 am
Me mudo. Casi dos años después de "independizarme" vuelvo al lugar del que salí. Me llevo a Milo y a Vilo, a los Señoras y Señores y todas esas otras cosas que han ido naciendo poco a poco por aquí. E...