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Eマウント採用&デジタル一眼レフ風な「α3000」 27 Aug 2013 | 04:52 pm
ソニーが、Eマウント採用のデジタル一眼レフ風レンズ交換式カメラ・「α3000」を海外発表しました。 従来のくくりでは、Eマウント=NEX、Aマウント=α。いわゆるミラーレス機であるNEX用のEマウント交換レンズを採用しつつ、電子ファインダー(EVF)を搭載して外観と名前はαな、ややこしい新機種です。スペック的にはエントリークラス、インターフェースもかなり簡略化した低価格モデルで、日本で発売される...
小型手書きメモツール「Boogie Board JOT4.5」 27 Aug 2013 | 08:36 am
キングジムから、電子手書きメモツールの新モデル・「Boogie Board JOT4.5」が登場。 付属のペンで書いて消すだけ、古いページの保存やPC連携などの付加機能はない、割り切り電子メモツールの最新版。タブレットクラスのサイズがあった従来モデルから、大きめのスマートフォンほどのサイズに小型化しました(高さ約15cm)。画面サイズは4.5インチで、内蔵電池で約5万回の書き換えができる長寿命。...
More mindset related news:
The Power of Mindset 12 Feb 2012 | 04:35 pm
As children we each begin our lives with an incredible gift – The gift of an Open Mindset. We truly believe that we can do, be, or have ANYTHING. If someone asks us what we want to be when we grow up...
IM Mindset Formula 13 Jan 2011 | 02:11 am
Change Your Life For The Better! There's one element of your life which is holding you back from being a successful Internet Marketer. It's your mindset! Let's face it. The typical human i...
Lead Generation Success Tip: Setting Your Mindset for Conversations 28 May 2012 | 05:22 pm
When it comes to building an efficient lead generation program, there are particular elements that are completely necessary. Let's talk about how to tackle your way of thinking, or your mindset. Rathe...
Tom Sunic: The Monotheist mindset and its secular modalities; Homo americanus and homo sovieticus 16 Jun 2011 | 11:02 pm
Tom Sunic’s lecture in the seminar ‘Revolt Against Civilization’ in Denmark: The Monotheist mindset and its secular modalities; Homo americanus and homo sovieticus (Part 1/4)
The MLSP Executive Mastermind / L4 Retreat! 31 Mar 2010 | 04:43 am
You ready to hang with the eagles at the top?! Just dig into MLSP… Be a sponge… learn everything you can… increase your value… attain the right mindset… plow through the marketing training… and the ...
May 25, Law of Attraction Coaching 26 May 2012 | 11:58 am
A 60-day LOA challenge where you receive a new lesson every two days. Learn the law of attraction and change your mindset in 90 days.
Inculcate Good Sportsmanship in Your Kid 10 Jun 2011 | 07:39 pm
Teach your kids good values in sports, make them good sportsmen who participate with a constructive mindset that not only aims victory but also is capable of appreciation in case of defeat. The highl...
How School Is Training Us To Become Corporate STOOGES And Ruining Our Mindset Of Becoming Entrepreneurs 21 Jan 2011 | 02:11 pm
Hi Guys, The day before yesterday my school was visited by the Jack Petchey foundation, where we spent the WHOLE Day in a class where we were taught Speaking and listening skills, It was Fun but V...
Difficulty Check on Internet Dating Sites 22 Aug 2010 | 12:31 am
Guys and gals want expediency. Every single women and men want to achieve objectives competently, effectively and, above all, with little to no effort. With this mindset dominating the public, it is...
Economic Mindsets 31 Jan 2011 | 12:17 pm
It’s good to have a deficit, been hearing that since high school economics. It’s good to have debt, it’s essential to have a constantly expanding economy. BAH! Economics is the science that is about...