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HDDが知らない間にとても安くなっていた 8 Sep 2011 | 02:44 am
原因不明で動かないPCを貰ったので直して使える事になった。 諸々調べたり奮闘中なのだが、とりあえずHDDが必要になったので、価格で色々調べていたらAmazonがかなり安かった。 GB単価も大分値下がって今が買い時かもしれない。 HDDと言えば安定性等から考えてまず日立をお勧めするが、暫く価格を見てない間に驚きの安さになっていたので紹介したい。 1TB、2TBでもこのお値段。 3000円以...
HDDが知らない間にとても安くなっていた 7 Sep 2011 | 10:44 pm
原因不明で動かないPCを貰ったので直して使える事になった。 諸々調べたり奮闘中なのだが、とりあえずHDDが必要になったので、価格で色々調べていたらAmazonがかなり安かった。 GB単価も大分値下がって今が買い時かもしれ [...]
More mine craft related news:
Mine craft infdev. Dernière mise a jour: 13/03/2010 15 Mar 2010 | 04:11 am
Ici seront postées les dernières mises à jour de minecraft infdev. Petit rappel, cette version, qui est encore en test, est en quelque sorte une copie du mode survival payant mais les cartes sont de ...
Minecraft 2 Mar 2012 | 12:54 am
Minecraft (от англ. mine craft — букв. «шахтёрское ремесло») — компьютерная игра с видом от первого лица (возможен и вид от третьего лица), в которой всё построено из кубов, с которыми и взаимодейству...
mine craft lion king mod - rei leao mod 24 May 2012 | 09:00 pm
episodio 1 pessoal, espero que comentem subscrevam e likem ajuda muito!!
Terraria Console Debut Trailer 25 Jan 2013 | 07:45 pm
After the break away success of Mine Craft Xbox 360 Edition was for Mojang, Re-Logic has decided to throw their hat into the console ring as well by bringing their own Terraria to Xbox and PS3. Terrar...
It's all about the (Mine)craft! 19 Jun 2013 | 06:25 pm
I think I have mentioned before that J is just a tad obsessed with Minecraft? We only have the pocket version of the game on my tablet, but he will happily play that and loves to watch the many videos...
More (mine)crafting... 5 Jul 2013 | 05:49 pm
The Slime fad continues... Lime green fleece (purchased from here) and dark green wool felt (from here). I've never sewn a cube before but it came together very easily. Just needs another bag of st...
Looking for Mining/Crafting/Economic Society on Arkadia 26 Aug 2013 | 12:44 am
As the title says, I'm looking for a society focused on mining, crafting, and economic activities on Planet Arkadia. Brand new to the planet and interested in finding others who might have advice or b...
Have I started well, or do I need to restart? 25 Aug 2013 | 10:01 pm
EU seems like an intriguing idea and I'd like to give it a try ... I'm mainly interested in the economic side (mining, crafting, trading, etc), not really looking for combat or PvP (I may eventually t...
Greetings from another new Arkadian 26 Aug 2013 | 03:31 am
Greetings folks ... new to EU and Arkadia, looking to focus on mining, crafting, trading, and similar economic activities. Still searching for good information, especially a Society or anyone interest...
Minecraft Cake, Enderman & Piggie 17 Aug 2013 | 05:54 pm
If you remember I mentioned a Minecraft Cake in my previous post Mine Craft Dirt Blocks Rice Krispies. Today I wanted to show you the finished cake. I used Rice Krispies to decorate the top and I...