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More mini birthday cupcakes related news:
School Holidays Special Kids Class - Angry Bird Cupcakes & Mini Burger Cupcakes 30 May 2012 | 01:00 pm
Date : 3 June 2012 4 June 2012 6 June 2012 Time : 2pm till 5.30 pm Fees : RM 50 per person ( deposit RM30 utk booking tempat ) * for kids age 6-13 only ( maximum 6 student only per class ) http....
The Best Day Ever! 16 May 2010 | 02:51 pm
Since my birthday fell during the week this year, I planned a quiet, relaxing day at home. I knew there was a good chance Max would be out, and I was ok with that because we had a mini birthday celeb...
HUGE BIRTHDAYS CUPCAKES 9 Aug 2010 | 11:27 pm
order.. birthday cupcakes for ZAHIRAH, DAMIA & NAJWA... may you wish come true....HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Espresso Chocolate Jam Birthday Cupcakes 24 Aug 2010 | 06:13 am
Hubby’s birthday was last week! Sadly he was on the road an unable to be here on his big day but we celebrated over the past weekend. Hubby loves peanut butter cups. Something about the combination of...
MINI TOWEL CUPCAKES 27 Apr 2011 | 12:18 pm
Promosi terkini dari WaChella, MINI TOWEL CUPCAKES!!! Sudah ada cupcakes yang boleh dimakan, sekarang kami perkenalkan cupcakes yang tidak boleh dimakan ;p Harga promosi RM1.30 tanpa uncang, RM1.80 ...
Things with Wings - Bugaboo challenge! 13 May 2012 | 07:24 am
Some of the Paper Pretties team joined the Bugaboo team today to bring you things with wings! I couldn't resist this little guy, and I added some butterflies to his birthday cupcake! Teddy Cupcake i...
Birthday Cupcakes Order =) RED & WHITE THEME 21 Feb 2011 | 06:44 pm
a birthday request from Hawa for Kak Liza's birthday.. a red&white theme cakes ... on top we made a cream cheese + milky cream softened with vanila flavors.. =D inside we got a choc chips cakes =) fo...
Birthday Cupcakes!!!! 28 Nov 2010 | 04:33 am
hai...yg ni diorder oleh kakzura for her daughter besday..alya..9 years old!!! HAPPY BESDAY TO YOU!!!THANKS ORDER YEA kakzura... ~25 pc cupcakes~ ~16 pc cupcakes~ ~total of 41 pc cupcakes chocolat...
Birthdays,cupcakes and snapshots 3 Apr 2011 | 07:21 pm
Good morning everyone, It seems like yesterday but time goes by really fast! My kids were born just a week apart (plus some years lol), so we celebrate their birthdays together in a big party! La....
Dougal’s birthday cupcake… 15 Aug 2011 | 12:23 am
It’s a little tradition around here that we each get a cupcake on our birthday… © Beatrice Bella Fauve and Bella Vizsla, 2011