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Starmobile Flirt vs Cherry Mobile Flame 2.0 6 May 2013 | 01:09 am
While not as evenly spec’d as the Diamond and the Omega HD, the first two phones to ever grace the TechRap Battle Arena – it was still worth taking a look at the Starmobile Flirt and the Cherry Mobile...
Vine updates iOS app, spot the difference 1 May 2013 | 02:01 pm
Twitter’s video-sharing service Vine updates its iOS app today. Version 1.1 introduces two new features – see if you can guess what they are by spotting the difference in the images above. Left is Ver...
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New Miss USA crowned in Las Vegas 20 Jun 2011 | 06:43 pm
A 21-year-old auburn-haired California model won the Miss USA crown Sunday night and will represent the nation in this year's Miss Universe pageant. Alyssa Campanella of Los Angeles topped a field of...
Inilah Penyebab Kegagalan Qory di Ajang Miss Universe 25 Aug 2010 | 12:10 am
FAKTOR utama penyebab kegagalan Qory Sandioriva di ajang Miss Universe memang masih menjadi teka-teki. Namun secara fisik, mahasiswi Sastra Prancis, Universitas Indonesia ini kalah sempurna dibandingk...
Bikini Photos Of Rafaela Zanella 17 Jun 2010 | 02:03 pm
Rafaela Zanella, the Brazilian beauty, got crowned as Miss Brazil Universe in the year 2006. She went on to represent Brazil in Miss Universe pageant but due to lack of her interview skills could not ...
Miss Universe 2011 winner Angolan beauty crowned 13 Sep 2011 | 10:39 pm
Miss Angola Leila Lopes is crowned Miss Universe 2011 by Miss Universe 2010 Ximena Navarrete, of Mexico, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Monday Sept. 12, 2011. (AP) Leila Lopes from Angola was crowned Miss Uni...
2012 I Am She – Miss Universe India Venue, Tickets, Schedule, Host, Contestants 17 Jan 2012 | 09:49 pm
3rd I Am She – Miss Universe India 2012 Tickets, Venue, Host, Date, Participators I Am She – Miss Universe India beauty contest is the second most popular beauty pageant of India after Femina Miss Ind...
2011 Miss Universe Contests Venue, Date, Tickets, Format 10 Sep 2011 | 07:53 am
60th Miss Universe Pageant 2011 Schedule, Host, Judges, Contestants The Miss Universe is one of the most popular International beauty contests in the world. The organizer of the Miss Universe pageant ...
Cilou Annys te jong voor afterparty 25 Aug 2010 | 10:26 pm
Maandagavond was er de uitreiking van Miss Universe. Die eer was weggelegd voor Miss Mexico. Cilou Annys belandde op de 14e plaats. Ook al hoopte ze om in de top 10 te eindigen was ze naar verluid wel...
Miss Universe 2009,I hope from Indonesia 24 Aug 2009 | 05:09 pm
Give Letisha Siregar Zivanna to become Miss Universe 2009.You will see natural beauty, eastern women, smart and sexy. Give your vote to Zivanna Letisha Siregar Live tonight Augt,23 at 9.00 AM in NBC ...
First Angola Women 17 Sep 2011 | 10:59 am
MISS UNIVERSE 2011 LEILA LOPES The Miss Universe 2011 competition started off with 89 participants from all around the world in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Miss Leila Lopes of Angola was crowned Miss Universe...
Miss Angola Leila Lopes wins Miss Universe 2011 14 Sep 2011 | 01:43 am
Miss Angola wins Miss Universe 2011! Congratulations Leila Lopes! Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup was the third runner up. We love you Miss Philippines! Watch the video here of Leila’s winning moment: