Most mobile world congress 2011 related news are at:

Faceprints Get Smart 27 Aug 2013 | 05:52 am
Kinect for Windows may have some real competition from Intel, according to Engadget. Intel’s Anil Nanduri tells Network World that the depth-sensing technology can recognize emotions, track your gaze...
Earth to Space Optical Communications – Again 27 Aug 2013 | 03:55 am
NASA is preparing to test a new, laser-based communications system that will link up satellites in space with base stations on the ground, reports The Verge. It would provide speeds six times faster, ...
More mobile world congress 2011 related news:
Điện thoại 3D đầu tiên của LG sẽ trình làng tại MWC 2011 2 May 2011 | 04:00 pm
Nhà sản xuất điện thoại di động Hàn Quốc LG Electronics sẽ mang đến Hội nghị di động thế giới Mobile World Congress 2011 (MWC) smartphone đầu tiên sở hữu màn hình di động 3D có tên là LG Optimus 3D. ...
MWC 2011: Motorola 18 Feb 2011 | 03:45 am
Di ajang MWc (Mobile World Congress) 2011, Sang Vendor Motorola memperkenalkan varian ponsel pintar Android terbarunya. Di antaranya adalah Motorola ATRIX dan Motorola PRO. Kedua ponsel ini sama-sama ...
Android Smartphone : ACER Iconia Smart 15 Feb 2011 | 05:21 am
Acer hits back by showing off their newest Android smartphone at Mobile World Congress 2011. Called the Iconia Smart, this candybar phone sports a 4.8-inch 1024 x 480 touchscreen display, a 1GHz Qualc...
Mobile World Congress 2011 14 Feb 2011 | 08:34 pm
Avui comença el Mobile World Congress 2011!!! i 3&Punt torna a assistir i amb ganes renovades de continuar i millorar en aquest mercat. Comencem amb conferències interessants de WAC, interessantíssim...
Services de sécurité pour les plateformes Android et Symbian 13 Feb 2011 | 12:08 pm
F-Secure présente la future génération de services de sécurité pour les plateformes Android et Symbian à l´occasion du Mobile World Congress 2011. La nouvelle génération de services de sécurité mobile...
O2 Telefónica LTE im 2. Quartal 2011 18 Feb 2011 | 04:46 am
O2 Telefónica plant den Start seines LTE 4G Long-Term Evolution Produktes noch im 2. Quartal 2011, dies wurde auf dem Mobile World Congress 2011 in Barcelona bekannt gegeben. Damit möchte o2 seinen Ku...
Mobile World Congress 2011 – #MWC11 18 Feb 2011 | 10:15 am
Ayer 16 de febrero y gracias a unos de mis contactos de twitter @munoz_gallego (a quien fue un honor desvirtualizar) pude asistir en vivo y en directo al Mobile World Congress 2011 – #MWC11, y después...
NVIDIA Unveils Project Kal-El Quad Core Super Chip 16 Feb 2011 | 01:58 pm
Today at Mobile World Congress 2011 NVIDIA gave myself and small group of media, a demonstration of their latest sampling quad-core chipset code named Project Kal-El. This would be the world first sam...
7 Ways Mobile Commerce Will Impact Consumers 20 Feb 2011 | 06:26 am
As the Mobile World Congress 2011 draws to a close in Barcelona it is timely to have a look at the impact that mobile commerce will have on consumers over the coming months and years; 1. Smartphones ...
HTC Desire S verkrijgbaar in Nederland 1 Apr 2011 | 12:45 am
De HTC Desire S is tijdens het Mobile World Congress 2011 officieel aangekondigd en is de opvolger van de succesvolle HTC Desire. Nu is het eind maart en zoals aangekondigd, is het toestel vanaf heden...