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CLFOTD - She Wants Her Bike Back - Vancouver Edition 27 Aug 2013 | 02:52 pm
:laugh: Kayla Smith's Stolen Bike Stolen Back After Spotting Craigslist Ad Quote: Originally Posted by huffingtonpost She thought her stolen bike was lost forever, but when Kayla Smith saw it list...
SyFy orders '12 Monkeys' pilot 27 Aug 2013 | 02:08 pm
Quote: Terry Gilliam’s 1995 film 12 Monkeys may become a series at SyFy. The cable net announced today that it’s developing a pilot about a time traveler from the post-apocalyptic future who appears...
More modern library top 100 related news:
The Top 50 Essential Non-Fiction Books for Weirdos 10 Feb 2011 | 10:07 am
Knowing that I’ve been a voracious reader since I was a kid, someone recently asked me if I’d read all of the Modern Library’s top 100 list. Hm, never checked. So I took a look. Surprisingly, I’ve don...
Top-100 2013: 31-40 11 May 2013 | 11:00 pm
We komen hier echt in de eurozone, want het zijn duidelijk allemaal eurospellen in dit rijtje, al kun je afvragen of zoiets als een modern traditioneel kaartspel bij dat genre hoort. Verder vooral bek...
Stylish Pens from Parker Ingenuity and They Do Write 17 Dec 2011 | 10:01 pm
This post brought to you by Parker Pens. All opinions are 100% mine. Top of the Line in Ink Pens How often do we see a nice, stylish pen with all the great modern looks, but the darn thing won’t eve...
what makes epson discproducer pp-100 the top choice of experienced professionals? 23 Nov 2010 | 11:28 pm
In modern business environment, the growth of business depends upon how we present our products. End users of products have become smarter than before. Increasing globalization is increasing their exp...
Top 1 Evolution 5W-30 100% Oli Sintetik 2 Aug 2011 | 08:03 pm
Top 1 Evolution 5W-30 100% Oli Sintetik – TOP 1 Evolution 5W-30, 100% Fully Synthetic Motor Oil adalah pelumas mesin100% fully synthetic yang sesuai untuk mesin bensin modern. Dengan formulasipremium ...
Sir Max Hastings wins top American Military Literature Award 21 Jun 2012 | 08:34 pm
Writer, broadcaster, journalist and historian Sir Max Hastings – who is to speak at the Portsmouth Festivities – has been honoured with the $100,000 2012 Pritzker Military Library Literature Award for...
/n software Selected for 2013 SD Times 100 Award 1 Jun 2013 | 05:00 am
/n software recognized as a top industry leader and innovator in APIs, Libraries & Frameworks for the tenth consecutive year!