Most modify google audio player related news are at:
– Website Design with WordPress | Themes and Website Layouts
Getting back the old Network admin/Site Admin quicklink with WordPress multisite 17 Oct 2011 | 02:06 am
If you are like me, you won’t appreciate the removal of quicklinks(network admin/siteadmin link) from WordPress multisite in favor of the profile dropdown box. It was removed in WordPress 3.2 and the ...
Getting back the old Network admin/Site Admin quicklink with WordPress multisite 16 Oct 2011 | 10:06 pm
If you are like me, you won’t appreciate the removal of quicklinks(network admin/siteadmin link) from WordPress multisite in favor of the profile dropdown box. It was removed in WordPress 3.2 and the ...
More modify google audio player related news:
infobroker Podcast Beiträge nun auch auf Google+ via Soundcloud 13 Aug 2013 | 06:54 pm
Das Audio Portal Soundcloud ermöglicht ab sofort das Einbetten von Hörbeiträgen in Google+. Über das soziale Netzwerk können die Beiträge direkt im Player gehört werden. Eine Verlinkung und Wechsel au...