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View from the Empty Nest: Let Me Tell You about My Operation… 23 Aug 2013 | 08:02 pm
You know those old people you roll your eyes about? The ones who get together to talk about their latest medical news? Lumbago? Surgeries? The state of their bowels? Well, guess what? I AM ONE OF THEM...
Winesday Confession #64 22 Aug 2013 | 03:44 am
More moms who drink wine related news:
Moncharm Ronan 2009 (by Clinet) 28 Apr 2012 | 12:32 am
I drank a Magnum of Ronan 2009 (by Clinet) over dinner with some friends last night, it is an excellent everyday drinking wine and at £12 a Mag it’s a bargain! Alastair De Bolla Moncharm
The Health Benefits of Red Wine 1 Dec 2011 | 10:41 am
Paracelsus, the noted 16th-century Swiss physician wrote, “Wine is a food, a medicine and a poison – it’s just a question of dose.” As with almost any food or drink, wine consumed in large doses can b...
Diabetes and Alcohol: Can I Still Drink Wine? 14 May 2010 | 06:04 pm
As a diabetic, or an acquaintance of one, you are likely familiar with the foods and drinks that should and should not be consumed. If you are like anyone else that is a diabetic or that knows a diabe...
Some Tips on Wine Drinking 15 Nov 2011 | 02:10 am
Wine is an sprituous intoxicating grape juice. It is the perfect party and entertaining beverage, offered in white, red or rose. It is also an investment and, like a jewel, it really does get better ...
Your liver won't whine when you drink wine 25 Jun 2008 | 03:00 am
We've read about so many benefits of red wine, haven't we? How it helps your heart and blood pressure? Well, a new cross-sectional study looked at over 12,000 people and added your liver to the list o...
Suburban Housewife 6 Apr 2011 | 05:45 am
One of the great things about the internet is youtube and the fact that pretty much anyone can rise on the scene with whatever. I’m a fan of the facebook page “Moms Who Drink And Swear” and she posts ...
All the Nines: Ninety Nine and others 14 Mar 2009 | 09:57 pm
One evening in February we invited four friends, all wine lovers, to a dinner with the theme of drinking wines from vintages ending in 'nine'. Guests were invited, and we arranged between us what wine...
Craftaluma Vendor: Wild Sprout Design 19 Aug 2011 | 08:01 pm
Meet Craftaluma vendor, Lisa Ratcliff of Galt, California, a gal who unwinds with drinking wine from the region and a good old fashioned sewing binge! Our kind of gal. Lisa makes the cutest and most p...
Reception Satisfaction 16 May 2012 | 09:57 am
Margaritas, Cosmos, Cherry Rum Recipe, Manhattans and Washington Apple Shots are a few refreshing cocktails you’ll have on tap at your reception. Most guests will expect mixed drinks, wine, beer and n...
12 Reasons to Drink Wine in 2009 9 Jan 2009 | 05:10 am
I don’t ever need a reason to try wine. Sitting and watching television, reading a book, chatting on the phone, while I’m surfing the net, eating, cooking, baking are all good reasons, if you need one...