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LE MIRACULEUX GUI 2 Jul 2011 | 02:06 am
Le gui est en fait une puissante plante médicinale utilisée depuis l’Antiquité. Les propriétés et références du gui en tant que « panacée » remontent aussi loin que les anciens Grecs et les druides. I...
射手分支项目-基于MongoDB的开源短网址服务 13 Dec 2010 | 07:15 pm
自从短网址服务出现的那一天开始,我就把短网址服务的最佳架构作为一个趣味题来看待——简单的应用与海量请求的组合,怎样才是最低开销的实现。最后我的结论认为,采用基于Key-Value的数据存储层搭配nginx module的应用前端实现,是在性能、稳定与负载之间最佳的平衡。选择 MongoDB 作为数据端,其性能是内存级别,而分片部署和数据安全性又非常适合大规模应用。nginx module 作为应用...
亲身经历夜半鬼声 6 Apr 2012 | 12:03 am 就刚刚,我听见房顶传来时断时续的嗡嗡声,嗡嗡声感觉是某马达发出来的,结束还伴随着“嗒”的一声,这些声音都不是很响但是富有穿透力,连绵不绝,终于把我吵醒。 我看了一下表,三点半,寻思哪家人这么无聊现在还装修,以为这声音小就能不影响别人休息么。然后等了好久发现也没停的迹象,于是...
Эксперимент с иконками на чистом CSS 26 Apr 2012 | 02:19 am
В ходе эксперимента использовались псевдо-классы, чтобы создать 84 простых GUI иконки на чистом CSS и HTML. Это не готовый пак CSS иконок и я публикую его в качестве в качестве упражнения на креативно...
Simple Flash GUI Tool 20 Jan 2011 | 06:32 am
Update: Keith himself has been working on a similar idea and has released MinimalConfigurator. Keith Peter’s Minimal Components are an excellent tool for any Flash developer when it comes to adding r...
مراجعة كتاب 50 Tips and Tricks for MongoDB Developers 20 Jun 2011 | 10:23 am
مراجعة كتاب 50 نصيحة وحيلة لمطوري MongoDB (-50-Tips-and-Tricks-for-MongoDB-Developers) من تأليف كريستينا كودرو (Kristina Chodorow). الكتاب يأتي بعدد صفحات قليلة وبنسخة مجهزة لقارىء الكندل حيث ساعدتني...
Internet Video Converter 5 May 2009 | 12:42 am
Internet Video Converter can convert between various popular video formats. Internet Video Converter is a frontend that provides a user interface (GUI) for several Open Source video conversion produc...
Digiweb driving savings for golfers through new affinity scheme 23 Dec 2011 | 07:58 am
Digiweb, Ireland’s largest Irish-owned independent telecommunications company, is delighted to announce a new affinity partnership with The Golfing Union of Ireland (GUI) to bring exclusive savings to...
MongoNYC 2012 8 May 2012 | 07:00 pm
MongoNYC is an annual one-day conference being held at the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City. The conference is dedicated to the open source, non-relational database MongoDB and will feature over 40...
New Release: Tooltip Magic Now Available 5 Aug 2010 | 03:40 am
Key Features Tooltip Magic is the most powerful, feature-rich tooltip widget on the planet! Cross-browser support Automated GUI Search engine friendly Accessible Can be used in popular CM system...