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Morphia: MongoDB Java ORM Kütüphanesi 9 Feb 2013 | 08:09 pm
Daha önceki bir yazımda Java ile MongoDB üzerinde işlemler yapmayı göstermiştim. Buradan o yazıma ulaşabilirsiniz. Bu yazımda ise Java için geliştirilen Morphia MongoDB ORM kütüphanesinin kullanımını ...
Writing Website Scrapers in PHP 27 Feb 2008 | 04:35 am
This article discusses about how to write a website scraper using PHP for web site data extraction. The concepts taught can be applied and programmed in Java, C#, etc. Basically any language that has ...
射手分支项目-基于MongoDB的开源短网址服务 13 Dec 2010 | 07:15 pm
自从短网址服务出现的那一天开始,我就把短网址服务的最佳架构作为一个趣味题来看待——简单的应用与海量请求的组合,怎样才是最低开销的实现。最后我的结论认为,采用基于Key-Value的数据存储层搭配nginx module的应用前端实现,是在性能、稳定与负载之间最佳的平衡。选择 MongoDB 作为数据端,其性能是内存级别,而分片部署和数据安全性又非常适合大规模应用。nginx module 作为应用...
Cool Java Game 13 Nov 2009 | 03:39 pm
Similar Posts: Dangerous Java Tool Motorola Q Java & SSH Simply Addictive Game! Chickenfoot: More Than A Dominoes Game Augmented Reality Game
Augmented Reality Game 6 Sep 2009 | 03:42 pm
Similar Posts: BMW Augmented Reality Reality 2.0: Like the Real World, Only Better Simply Addictive Game! Chickenfoot: More Than A Dominoes Game Cool Java Game
Java SE 7 & 8 17 Nov 2010 | 07:56 pm
Sometimes doing the right thing can be extremely difficult. In spite of and because of my commitment to Java, I had to decline an invitation to join the Java SE 7 and 8 expert groups. Talk about a tou...
Long Live Java 21 Oct 2010 | 06:54 am
The JCP EC elections opened today, and I'm running. After Doug Lea's resignation and subsequent replacement with Hologic, Inc., maintaining individual representation is more important than ever to Ja...
Mac OS X Lion – How to install Java 21 Jul 2011 | 05:59 pm
Mac OS X Lion doesn’t include a Java runtime environment on the default installation. However Apple has immediately released Java as a separate download. The first package of Java for Lion can be fo...
Facebook: Arnaques copier/coller d’un Java script 1 Dec 2011 | 12:28 pm
Certaines applications promettant de fournir des statistiques (par exemple “qui a consulté votre profil”, “qui vous a bloqué”, “qui est votre plus grand admirateur”, etc.), de vous permettre d’accéder...
Sicherheitslücke in Java erlaubt Angriffe auf Mac und Windows 6 Apr 2012 | 12:10 am
Sicherheitslücke in Java erlaubt Angriffe auf Mac und Windows Außerdem neuer Erpressungs-Virus im Umlauf Trojaner können eine Schwachstelle im Programm Java für Angriffe auf Windows-Rechner und Macs...