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Reblogged: What should I learn to get started in .NET and web development? 7 May 2013 | 04:48 am
[Note: I am reblogging this post which originally was posted to the LearningLine blog. Hope you all find it useful here as well] I recently had a conversation with someone who is looking to make a fre...
Why Choose NoSQL and Document Databases over RDBMS 3 May 2013 | 07:25 pm
Do you want to know the biggest single reason you should choose document databases over SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL? Hint: It’s not performance or scalability. Here is a short screencast which shows ...
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Storage Administration: SQL Server Vs Oracle - MySQL 29 Mar 2011 | 04:12 am
Thanks to the inclusion of Oracle Cloud File System, today, Oracle’s database products gain widely from their storage management capacity. Oracle cloud file system brings a storage cloud infrastructur...
CRM Royal Rumble – Microsoft Dynamics vs. vs. SAP vs. SugarCRM vs. Oracle: Part 2 30 Sep 2011 | 04:43 am
If you missed yesterday’s blog, I addressed the question of “What’s the best CRM solution?” in the context of a classic WWF Royal Rumble match. If you missed it, for some context and to try and under...
CRM Royal Rumble – Microsoft Dynamics vs. vs. SAP vs. SugarCRM vs. Oracle: Part 1 30 Sep 2011 | 04:31 am
Everyday, we get a ton of questions about what’s better, SAP or Microsoft Dynamics or Oracle? How does Sugar CRM fit into the whole mix? Though the questions are common, the answe...
The MongoDB vs MySQL debate… 8 Sep 2010 | 06:36 pm
Same stupid debate as so often before. Just the topics are different from time to time. Found via the Swedish Utvbloggen, RWW, highscalability och myNoSQL. Subscribe to the comments for this post? S...
Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Membase vs Neo4j 25 Mar 2012 | 04:30 am gives a succinct summary of each of the NoSQL databases that are creating a buzz in 2012. Each summary has a “Best Used For” section that cu...
SQL Server vs Oracle 1:0 8 Nov 2010 | 11:28 pm
OMG, ich musste grade was fürchterliches über Oracle lernen. Oracle hat zwei Modi: Archivelogmode an und aus. Im Archivelogmode iteriert Oracle zyklisch über seine Redologs und schreibt wenn er sich ...
WebSphere Message Broker vs. Oracle Service Bus performance benchmark 27 Aug 2013 | 01:42 am
Reblogging my post from site: Read full article here: “WebSphere Message Broker vs. Oracle Service Bus performance benchmark” (Read more) ...
Oracle vs. Google Quote of the Week 27 Apr 2012 | 03:18 am
“The goal was to get as many users as we could on a powerful new platform that could exploit the Web,” Schmidt said of Android. This is how Google sees users, as a mass to be exploited. It is all ab...
Watch UFC 117 LIVE STREAM Free: Silva vs Sonnen Online 8 Aug 2010 | 03:45 pm
WATCH UFC 117 LIVE ON PPV! Watch UFC 117 live stream video online on August 7, 2010 at 7PM PT/10PM ET. UFC 117 live match will be held at the Oracle Arena in Oakland, California, United States. Ander...
MPEG-LA vs. Google – Wo ist der Sinn von Softwarepatenten? 13 Feb 2011 | 02:19 pm
Nachdem ich zuletzt auf die Firmenpolitik von Oracle eingegangen bin, möchte ich an dieser Stelle einen Kommentar zur MPEG LA (Licencing Administration) posten. Das Thema Softwarepatente keimt dabei ...