Most montessori muar related news are at:

>Old Age And Fall 27 Aug 2013 | 06:11 pm
FIL is getting weaker and weaker. His legs aren’t strong anymore. He needs a walking aid all the time and when we are out at the mall, we push him in the wheelchair. SIL had renovated the bathroom a...
Gone Were The Memories 27 Aug 2013 | 08:15 am
Few months ago, my 1Tb external backup disk went kaput-ed. I send in to one of the shop at Pyramid digital mall for repair. I know the chances of salvaging the data stored in it is low but at least t...
More montessori muar related news:
Intro to Letters, by Montessorium 9 Sep 2010 | 07:00 pm
Learn to trace, read, write and record letter sounds, names, and phonograms, based on the proven methodology of Montessori. “Intro to Letters is a great, pleasing way to introduce your child to the w...
Azrol & Amylia 4 Dec 2004 | 01:00 pm
He is my ex-schoolmate, from Muar. She used to be a colleague of mine from Perlis. I never knew that 'Amylia' on the invitation card was her, until i received this set of photos sent by a friend. What...
Montessori Activities 10 Sep 2011 | 05:23 am
As you may have noticed, I haven't posted at all this week. I decided to extend my "blog vacation" for a bit. Not sure when I'll be back. I'm thinking most likely next week, but honestly, I think I'm ...
Schooling 21 Sep 2008 | 09:13 am
So today was a very interesting Summit training session. I enjoyed most of what I dealt with and truly came to learn a lot about the Montessori method. As of right now, I have no method in my 2 year ...
Where do I buy the e-book? 2 May 2012 | 04:02 am
Magellan Montessori's Homeschooling Early Elementary (Ages 6-9 Years) is exclusively available on the Kindle, which can also be read on the iPad and other devices enabled with free Kindle Reading Apps...
How much is the guidebook? 2 May 2012 | 03:58 am
Magellan Montessori's Homeschooling Early Elementary (Ages 6-9 Years) is currently being offered for the Introductory price of US$124.99 (plus any taxes that may apply).
Those who Act Win; Those who React Lose 9 Sep 2009 | 02:51 am
I just dropped my 4-year old son off at Montessori School and said to him, “Son, you’re going to have a great day.” Then, on my way home, I turned on the radio and before I knew it I was listening to ...
Impian Seorang Pemandu Teksi Yang Ku Tak Sangka - Master Zuheir 19 Apr 2012 | 11:56 pm
Salam semua,hari ini banyak aku dapat masa aku pergi merantau ke Muar (naik bas jep sorang2) .Dengan berbekalkan RM100 berpakaian biasa t-shirt sekolah BBU kepunyaan adik aku saiz S beserta jacket hit...
What is "Montessori. First Steps"? 23 Apr 2011 | 06:46 am
Ther «Монтессори. Первые шаги» - это школа Монтессори в Киеве, которая начала свою работу в сентябре 2008 года. С тех пор она предоставляет своим студентам высококачественные услуги в создании довери...
Vo Zvolene otvárajú Súkromnú materskú školu Montessori 24 May 2012 | 07:08 pm
TLAČOVÁ SPRÁVA, MONTESSORI, o.z. Vo Zvolene otvárajú Súkromnú materskú školu Montessori čítať ďalej