Most moon book ds related news are at:

Gaming Category Intro 27 Aug 2013 | 07:00 am
This is where all of the gaming posts will be… Including such things as retro gaming, reviews, previews, news, indie gaming, bundles and so on…
Grand Theft Auto Online Trailer 20 Aug 2013 | 08:18 am
Watch the new Official Gameplay Video for Grand Theft Auto Online – which shows how we’ve taken the fundamental GTA concepts of freedom, ambient activity and mission-based gameplay and made them avail...
More moon book ds related news:
Title and Cover Art - Bad Moon Book 2 28 May 2011 | 06:03 pm
After what has felt like a smurfing eternity, I am finishing up the draft for my follow up novel to Lucifera's Pet. Without further ado, here is the title: LESSER - Bad Moon Book 2 The title, Lesser...
Dark of the Moon by Rachel Hawthorne 19 Feb 2010 | 07:00 am
Title: Dark of the Moon, book 3 Series: Dark Guardian Author: Rachel Hawthorne Previous book: Full Moon Next book: Shadow of the Moon (March 23, 2010) Grade: B+ (Warning you now, hard to review t...
Full Moon by Rachel Hawthorne 18 Feb 2010 | 07:00 am
Title: Full Moon, book 2 Series: Dark Guardian Author: Rachel Hawthorne Previous book: Moonlight Next book: Dark of the Moon Rating: B (I just noticed I never posted the review for Moonlight book...
Blood Moon - FREE 5/6 - 5/-8 6 May 2013 | 06:32 pm
For the next three days you can get Blood Moon, Book II in my Huntress/FBI series, for free on Kindle as part of an Amazon launch promotion. Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon DE (I know, I'm sorry, exclus...
Exciting links on a lazy sunday morning #5 19 May 2013 | 02:03 pm
Man Moon Books Human Body Behaving like humans
『短期集中--動的システム入門』正誤情報著者サイトにアップ 25 Apr 2013 | 05:00 am
『短期集中--動的システム入門』(78687)に誤植がありました。著者のウェブサイトに、本書の誤植訂正のpdfファイルがアップされています。 サイトのurlは下記の通りです。 また、下記URLに、本書のサポートページがあります。誤植情報のほか、プログラムリストなどが載っています。
Walking on the Moon (Books for Better Living) 13 Jun 2013 | 09:21 pm
Books For Better Living asked me to write a short piece for Father’s Day. The day itself is nothing special (not exactly a day off for me) so I went back to what are two greatest highs I have ever fel...
Sherlock Holmes: The Quality of Mercy and Other Stories by William Meikle & Three More Books Now Available on! 20 Aug 2013 | 04:26 am
We are excited to now offer the titles from other quality publishers on the website! Currently we are offering two titles from Dark Renaissance Books and two titles from Bad Moon Books...
June News 7 Jun 2012 | 10:24 pm
The manuscript for the new Blue Moon book has gone in and has been accepted. Publication won’t be until at least mid 2013 I’m afraid. That’s the first slot the publisher has available. I’m currently...
The Day They Sold the Moon 27 May 2012 | 08:05 am
The Day They Sold The Moon is a book written by a 9 year old boy from New York who has autism. Silver River had been contacted to assist with some of the initial press for the book. However when we sa...