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Inu wo Kau to Iu Koto 9 Jan 2012 | 03:21 am
Nishikido plays the 30-year-old salaryman Hongo Yuji, whose job in human resources had him laying off employees until he himself was laid off. With his family of four on the verge of collapse, he ends...
Basa gratinado con mahonesa de Chile Morita y esparragos en papillote 23 Apr 2012 | 08:01 pm
Hola a tod@s!!! Esta semana va de pescado...o algo parecido. Bueno esta receta es Mexicana pero se pude conseguir todo fácilmente en cualquier parte del mundo. Os quiero presentar a los que no conoz...
Yuji Ishibashi 1 Jan 2012 | 05:00 am
Yuji Hirayama on Mt Kinabalu 28 Jun 2011 | 04:40 pm
Mountain Torq - Your High Adventure Begins Here Yuji Hirayama establishes one of Asia’s hardest alpine rock routes on Mt Kinabalu at a lofty altitude of 3,976m above sea level. Click here for the art...
get slap happy, humphrey. 3 Mar 2009 | 09:41 am
Slap Happy Humphrey were an interesting little idea of a band from japan. they played covers of songs by japanese folk singer Morita Doji, but they didn't do just straight up covers. they took the son... 5 Mar 2009 | 07:33 am
ROVO - MON (2004) urma loquix haoma nov saraca reom katsui yuji (el vln) yamamoto seiichi (g) yoshigaki yasuhiro (d, perc, berimbau) okabe yoichi (d, perc, berimbau) harada jin (b) masuko tatsuki (D...
Rumore, rumore , rumore 15 Nov 2007 | 11:00 pm
El escalador Japones Yuji Hirayama anunció hace unos días en petit comite en inglaterra que se retiraba de la escalada (de todo), suponemos que algo ha tenido que ver la fanfarronada que se marco anun...
Haruki Murakami : 1Q84 – Livre 1, Avril-Juin 22 Mar 2012 | 08:35 am
1Q84 – Livre 1, Avril-Juin Haruki Murakami Éditeur : BELFOND (25 août 2011) (533 pages) Traduction de : Hélène Morita Genre : Science-Fiction / Uchronie / Univers parallèles —————– Tout commence...
Rocket Girls épisode 01 vsotfr 02 03 à venir 24 Jul 2011 | 11:44 am
Rocket Girls épisode 01 vsotfr 02 03 à venir Synopsis : Une étudiante, Morita Yukari visite Axia dans l' île Solomon avec l'intention de rechercher son père porté disparu. Là elle fait la rencontre d'...
Yuji Naka:"L’industria giapponese può ancora competere con quella occidentale" 4 Oct 2010 | 09:00 pm
In una recente intervista a, Yuji Naka, il co-creatore di Sonic the Hedgehog ed ora a capo del suo studio “Probe”, ha commentato la recente dichiarazione di Keiji Inafune riguardo lo...