Most morning musume 9th audition related news are at:

Selective Hearing’s News Roundup 26 Aug 2013 | 07:41 am
Monkey Majik going on tour in December, Kago Ai returning to the entertainment industry, Fuji Keiko passes away, Tokyo Girls Style to perform at Budokan, and Itano Tomomi and Akimoto Sayaka's theater ...
Morning Musume 12th Generation Audition Results Announced 26 Aug 2013 | 04:52 am
The 12th generation Morning Musume Mirai Shoujo auditions have ended with an announcement from Tsunku about the winner(s) or lack thereof.
More morning musume 9th audition related news:
10th Generation Auditions Announced 9 May 2011 | 02:07 am
We've only had the 9th Generation of Morning Musume with us for 5 months, as a unit they're released just one single (with a 2nd one coming out next month) but, it looks like that soon we'll be seeing...
Morning Musume : Pas de nouvelle membre pour le moment…. 26 Aug 2013 | 10:34 pm
Alors que des auditions pour la 12e génération avaient été lancés il y a quelques mois, les fans attendaient le nom de la ou les gagnantes. Mais voilà que Tsunku, le producteur, poste une vidéo conc...
Morning Musume 12th Generation Audition Results Announced 26 Aug 2013 | 04:52 am
The 12th generation Morning Musume Mirai Shoujo auditions have ended with an announcement from Tsunku about the winner(s) or lack thereof.