Most most iconic comic covers related news are at:

Avengers 57 – Behold the Vision 5 May 2012 | 02:17 am
Avengers 57 – Behold the Vision To me this is the ultimate, the best, the most awesome Avengers cover of all time. It doesn’t hurt that my most favorite Avenger, The Vision not only dominates this co...
Top 10 Favorite Comic Book Covers by Alex Robinson 13 Aug 2011 | 04:30 pm
Alex Robinson‘s books include Box Office Poison, Tricked and Too Cool to Be Forgotten, all of which are available from Top Shelf Productions. He has lost and won several awards and currently resides i...
More most iconic comic covers related news: 5 Apr 2011 | 09:25 am
Dr Morgue n.1, La morte perfetta Di: Silvia Mericone,Rita Porretto/Francesco Bonanno Ed. Star Comics. Cover di Morandi/Cancellieri Dal 14 aprile nelle edicole. Leggi le prime otto pagine: http://do...
Preview: Justice League Dark #5 24 Jan 2012 | 07:09 am
STORY BY Peter Milligan ART BY Mikel Janin COLORS BY Ulises Arreola LETTERS BY Rob Leigh COVER BY Ryan Sook PUBLISHER DC Comics COVER PRICE: $2.99 RELEASE DATE Wed, January 25th, 2012
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #4 30 Dec 2011 | 03:54 am
STORY BY Peter Milligan ART BY Mikel Janin COLORS BY Ulises Arreola LETTERS BY Rob Leigh COVER BY Ryan Sook PUBLISHER DC Comics COVER PRICE: $2.99 RELEASE DATE Wed, December 28th, 2011
Batman Vs. the internets 24 Jan 2011 | 01:27 am
“Internet Comics” brings you… Batman Vs. Longcat! Sadly not a real series but the 5 comic cover mockups over on College Humor are excellent.You really should click through and have a look. Despite no...
Iconic iPad Cover in schwarz von Ben Sherman 16 Dec 2011 | 09:15 am
Stilvoll -das Iconic iPad Cover von Ben Sherman . Das handliche iPad sollte unterwegs sicher transportiert werden. Merkmale & Besonderheiten Das neue Iconic iPad Cover in Schwarz von Ben Sherman ...
Demystifying iconic album covers 23 Oct 2011 | 10:58 pm
Idea carina ed esecuzione decisamente notevole per un video musicale che usa e ri-usa copertine di LP appartenenti all'universo culturale (semiotico???) di ciascuno di noi. Dai Green Day ai Clash pas...
My SPACE:1999 #1 Comic Cover! 14 May 2012 | 04:47 pm
Patrick Fillion covers the 1975 SPACE: 1999 #1 comic book cover. Hi All! I may have spoken about my love of the classic Sci-Fi program SPACE: 1999 in the past. I loved the show so much as a kid. I ...
Comic » Cover Chapter 10 5 Apr 2010 | 11:12 am
Added 2 Years Ago
Daredevil VS Kingpin 12 May 2009 | 10:53 am
Hi Guys, This is my new artwork : Daredevil VS Kingpin. My intention is to create Comic Cover. This artwork is inspired by : Marco Djurdjevic's artwork. Thanks to Buddy Jiang(
The Just Us Three League!!! The Most Elusive Superheros of all Time!!! 12 Nov 2011 | 05:30 am
A comic cover spoof (there’s a poster, too) I designed based on old comic cover designs of the early 1960′s. Filed under: Atheist humor, Comics, Comix, humor, The Godless Monster, WTF? Tagged: Atheis...