Most most likely final superbowl related news are at:

Hello I Must Be Going 1 Sep 2010 | 06:10 am
Hi everyone — it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Sorry for the radio silence, but there is a good reason: as of September 1, 2010, I will be re-entering U.S. government service. So it’s time to say good...
More most likely final superbowl related news:
updates! 30 Aug 2010 | 04:20 pm
yes.. updates!! like finally? lol.. been really super busy till crazy.. i just checked my blog and apparently my last update was on the 6th of August.. and its like the end of the month now… lolx… any...
Review G-Technology G-RAID 4 TB Dual External Hard Drive 29 May 2012 | 09:25 pm
Professional High-Performance Dual-Drive Storage System. G-RAID is designed specifically for professional content creation applications like Final Cut Studio, G-RAID features a high-speed interface - ...
Best Cheap G-Technology G-RAID 2 TB Dual External Hard Drive 29 May 2012 | 09:25 pm
Professional High-Performance Dual-Drive Storage System. G-RAID is designed specifically for professional content creation applications like Final Cut Studio, G-RAID features a high-speed interface - ...
Peyton Manning : Colts keep $90 million right arm 31 Jul 2011 | 11:56 pm
Any roadblock to a lucrative and likely final contract for Peyton Manning was cleared when Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay and his celebrated quarterback sat down and had a meeting of the minds. T...
Facebook Pages Manager, The New App for Facebook Pages 19 May 2012 | 01:02 am
There’s a new app in town! The Facebook Pages Manager! Like finally.
Bailing Out The Irresponsible Executives! 26 Sep 2008 | 06:32 am
Lately the news has been swarming about the government working on a bail out plan. At first I was like “FINALLY” the federal government is dealing with the financial crisis in Wall Street. Then as the...
I Don’t Want to Rest in Pieces like Final Destination 16 Aug 2009 | 10:24 am
The Final Destination is coming soon people! Those people who do not know what the movie is about, you can see the trailer on the bottom of this post. What I can say about this movie is that its kind...
update after a long hiatus 24 Oct 2010 | 08:22 pm
So, I found a job, like finally. best part is, that it is just 15minutes drive away. 25, including jam, what more can I ask for within just a few months, I learnt so many many things! both at work AN...
last week of skul~ 13 Mar 2010 | 05:24 pm
kkays i am like finally back. cant use com la~ too much hw nowadays. so muz study. take back report card le. sibbeh cham lah. i really muz start studyin le. cannot keepp playin and talkin le. this wee...
back (: 6 Feb 2010 | 04:34 pm
hello (: okay. iam like finally back (: hahhas. nowadays only can use com durin weekends. so sometime too lazy to post than nv post lor (: hahahs. friday wushu was great. have alot of fun man(: tank...