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More motion capture data related news:
Free Mocap Data From BeyondMotion 20 Jul 2010 | 11:04 pm offers free motion capture data in three different formats - BVH, FBX and C3D Following motions are available for free download Back Flip Climb Sit on Chair Slip Down Stand W...
Free Mocap Data From BeyondMotion 20 Jul 2010 | 04:13 pm offers free motion capture data in three different formats - BVH, FBX and C3D Following motions are available for free download Back Flip Climb Sit on Chair Slip Down Stand W...
Mars Needs Moms (2011) 14 May 2012 | 10:35 am
Mars Needs Moms is a 2011 motion capture animated science fiction film co-written and directed by Simon Wells, and based on the Berkeley Breathed book of the same title. The film is centered around a ...
Café Vidéo 25 Nov 2011 | 10:42 pm
Café Vidéo Chez Loulou 90 Bd St Germain Paris 75005 mercredi 14 Décembre 2011 à partir de 19h30 Novamotion nous présentera ses services de Motion Capture, personnages virtuels 3D temps réel. Apportez ...
Real Football 2011 HD - Android 25 Oct 2011 | 07:38 pm
REAL FOOTBALL 2011 HD We've brought the game to an all-new playing field for the most realistic soccer experience. Prepare for totally new graphics and motion-capture-based animations that will impre...
Tim und Struppi: Der neue internationale Trailer! 12 Jul 2011 | 05:57 am
Am heutigen Montag wurde ein neuer internationaler Trailer zu Regisseur Steven Spielbergs per Motion Capture-Technik gedrehtem Projekt DIE ABENTEUER VON TIM UND STRUPPI - DAS GEHEIMNIS DER EINHORN...
Check out a Gallery of Disturbing Ventriloquist Dummies 30 May 2012 | 03:00 am
There are fewer things scarier than inanimate objects designed to look like human beings. Dolls, statues, mannequins -- they're all variations on the uncanny valley that plagues motion-capture...
New Features: Search Filters and Batch Actions 22 May 2012 | 01:09 am
We just released 2 new features: search filters and batch actions. With search filters, you can narrow the search to motion capture clips from one author, with a specific duration, in a price range, e...
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012! 23 Dec 2011 | 05:56 am
To celebrate animstreet’s first year and as a Christmas gift to you, we offer a special 75% discount off all Moka Studio motion capture clips. It’s been a year! One year ago animstreet was launched a...
A new design for animstreet! 19 Oct 2011 | 01:16 am
We have just finished redesigning animstreet. In particular, with a new front page and collapsible blocks, our motion capture clips database navigation is now enhanced. We hope you will like it! Supp...