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Krom Part Motor CB Pesanan Mr. Hamid PADANG PARIAMAN SUM-BAR 9 Apr 2013 | 06:55 pm
Tromol depan, Tromol Belakang, tutup tromol depa, tutup tromol belakang, dan standar samping pesanan Mr. Hamid Padang pariaman. Semua dibikin KINCLONG dengan sentuhan proses krom di KINCLONG KROM Jaka...
Make over CB…. Sempat bikin kaki bengkak dihajar stater kaki 15 Apr 2013 | 01:40 pm
awal maret dapat kiriman motor CB dari juragan yang bekerja di perusahaan Tambang….maunya CB yang menemani sekolah dulu direhap jadi modis dengan dana tipis….”siap kumendan….tapi kalo masih kurang sre...
Re: Absen buat yang belom 10 Jul 2013 | 05:23 am
Salam kenal kang adie... Nama: Gala Komunitas: - Motor: CB 150R mohon bimbingannya yah..
Modif Cb 100 Basic dari motor Gl Pro 12 Aug 2013 | 11:50 am
Lagi musim modifikasi motor CB 100 Dari GL pro, banyak di kalangan pecinta CB 100 yang sudah punya komunitas sendiri, untuk modifikasi nya sendiri tentunya banyak perubahan dari motor aslinya cb100, u...
Cuisinart PowerEdge CB-1400 Blender 13 Jul 2011 | 12:41 pm
Cuisinart PowerEdge® CB-1400 Blender with 700-Watt motor and Die-Cast Metal Housing Cuisinart PowerEdge CB-1400 Blender Product Description Make tasty smoothies and great drinks or create gourmet s...
Início da montagem do motor 17 Apr 2009 | 01:27 pm
Hoje finalmente comecei a montar o motor da CB, agora 440. Faz muito tempo que não posto aqui, o principal motivo é que não tenho feito muita coisa mesmo devia às aulas na faculdade, então essa reform...
Moto Honda CB 300R 9 Dec 2010 | 05:55 am
5 motivos para comprar a sua Honda CB 300R Potência do motor DOHC Design e estrutura imponentes Shutter Key (chave codificada) Injeção Eletrônica Câmbio com engates precisos A Moto HondaCB 300R ...
Honda CG 150 TITAN MIX EX 9 Dec 2010 | 01:48 am
5 motivos para comprar a sua Honda CG 150 Titan Mix EX Motor Flex Injeção eletrônica PGMFI Frente inspirada na CB 300R Freio dianteiro a disco Rodas de alumínio A Moto CG 150 TITAN MIX EX já...
Honda Astrea Star Modifikasi 27 Apr 2010 | 04:42 am
Gambar Motor Honda Astrea Star Modifikasi This is About trend clasical Motorcycles by Honda Manufacture. This Motorcycles has been Finded by collector Clasic Motor. The type and model are Very old, Bu...
JUAL: Honda GL Pro 1983 Modifikasi CB 26 May 2012 | 03:40 pm
Spoiler for Klip 1: Dijual motor kesayangan, Honda GL Pro 1983… Sudah modifikasi body CB, Mesin udah CDI, surat2 tembus atas nama sendiri gan…Pajak masih panjang. Lokasi Yogya Dijual karena bosen… ...