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Csipegetés – Sir John Hunt – A Mount Everest meghódítása, 1953 28 Jul 2012 | 02:03 am
Members of the 1953 Mount Everest Expedition. “De hát mit szólnak hozzá mások? Ők is úgy találják, hogy érdemes volt küzdenünk? Azt hiszem, igen, ha elfogadjuk, hogy a világnak, amelyben élünk, szüks...
Short Movie on Mount Everest – Must Watch 16 Jun 2013 | 01:30 pm
Vimeo staff have hand-picked a short movie on Mount Everest that shows the beauty of Mt. Everest at night in time-lapse. While most of the people were busy climbing, one of the Mt. Everest Expedition ...
Everest climbing rules ‘to be Tighteed’ 11 Aug 2013 | 05:23 pm
Expeditions on Mount Everest will be more closely monitored than before from next year, the BBC has learned. Nepalese officials say that for the first time, a government team will be located at the b...
Everest 2014 - updated information 31 Jul 2013 | 05:17 pm
We have updated our information about our Everest expedition. We have included some more details, for example, oxygen flow rates for the summit ascent. The spring 2014 team will be led by David Hamilt...