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PODCAST: Don’t Miss It 21 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
Dharma Discourse by John Daido Loori, Roshi How do our ideas of practice keep us separate from the real truth of the dharma? Daido Roshi takes up the story of three monks so blinded by their ideas of...
PODCAST: Nowhere Else 14 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
Dharma Discourse by Konrad Ryushin Marchaj, Sensei If you’re seeking the direct teaching, realize that all the teachings are pointing to you, here, now. We have to trust and be willing to give oursel...
More mountains and rivers order related news:
China's six tea mountain on the Lean state mountain 14 Dec 2011 | 08:51 pm
Lancang River north of the six Dasan, in addition to Yau is Jinghong City is Dasan music, the other five are in Mengla Dasan. Historically, there have been five Dasan, three hills half a lean state, s...
Kenai Peninsula Alaska, U.S.A. 26 Sep 2011 | 09:15 am
The Kenai Peninsula (with glaciers, mountains, lakes, rivers, fjords, forests and fish galore, the area is an unparalleled recreational playground) extends southward from the Anchorage area in southc...
Investment Argentina agro land 203.000. hectares mountain sales agent 20 Oct 2010 | 09:21 pm
Land for agriculture, tourism, western Argentina. The best weather, are 203,000. 15.000.000.dolares ha + 3% fees must be paid to the agent's future pre comprador.zona mountains with rivers + 300 km2.z...
Find The Best Real Estate in Gulf Coast Alabama 31 Jul 2012 | 08:52 am
If you are considering Alabama real estate either as an investment property or residence, you should be aware that the state contains four distinct regions: mountains, metro, river heritage and the Gu...
Country Spotlight: Honduras, a natural paradise! 31 Aug 2012 | 04:09 am
Honduras is blessed with some of Mother Nature’s most pristine environments in all Central America. Famous for its lush jungle lands, breathtaking mountains, challenging rivers and ‘claro’… its awe-in...
Cowichan 29 Mar 2013 | 03:10 am
Fertile valleys, rolling mountains, undulating rivers and pristine lakes come together to form the backdrop of the Cowichan; a place of incredible beauty, timeless traditions and tidal rhythms. Nestle...
Stunning Switzerland – The Picture Perfect Holiday Destination 22 May 2013 | 02:32 pm
Mountains, lakes, rivers, snow clad peaks, the undulating countryside dotted with utterly charming towns and cities that are among the most modern in the world. Whatever it is that your heart desires ...
mountain Rila river Iliina Bulgaria река Илийна 24 Jun 2013 | 01:28 am
Water Purification Systems for Camping or Backpacking 12 Feb 2012 | 11:10 pm
That mountain lake, river or stream water may look crystal clear and refreshing, but can sometimes contain microscopic waterborne pathogens that don’t play well with humans – none of which are visible...
Why did human invent God? 19 Aug 2013 | 06:27 pm
Who can tell us why? Animal's didn't invent God, neither did ocean life, plant life can't, and neither can mountains and rivers. So why did human invent God? Maybe God had a plan after all? He was...