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Fidel’den Ortega’ya mektup 3 Jul 2013 | 07:58 pm
Küba Devrimi lideri Fidel Castro, Nikaragua Devlet Başkanı Daniel Ortega’ya bir mektup yazdı. Fidel, mektubunda Managua’da biraraya gelen liderlerin göz kamaştırdığını belirtti. Fidel,Venezuela Devl...
Beşiktaş Seçimleri ve Adaylık Açıklaması 7 Jun 2013 | 08:48 pm
Beşiktaş'ta yaklaşan seçimli genel kurul öncesi camianın önemli isimlerinden Hürser Tekinoktay bir basın açıklaması yaparak süreci değerlendirdi ve Fikret Orman'a sert tepki gösterdi.
More mourinho guardiola chelsea related news:
Villas-Boas, entrenador de moda en Europa 17 May 2011 | 03:11 am
Aunque los Mourinho, Guardiola, Ferguson, Wenger y compañía acaparen las portadas cada vez más sensacionalistas de los periódicos deportivos, quien está a dos pasos de conquistar un triplete histórico...
Columna | ¿Mourinho al Chelsea y Benítez al Real Madrid? 21 Feb 2013 | 05:09 pm
La no continuidad de José Mourinho al frente del Real Madrid, de cara a la temporada que viene, parece un secreto a voces. Mou no está cómodo en el conjunto de la capital española y está constantemen...
Offer of 41 million euros l Hulk confirmed Mourinho's Chelsea interest 7 Jun 2013 | 02:39 am
"If I said nothing, I would be lying."Hulk is not to say either yes or no, but his smile does not hide the satisfaction you drunk right now.Brazilian striker, concentrated with Brazil ahead of the Con...
Lukaku, Kalas and De Bruyne to play their part in Mourinho’s Chelsea 11 Jul 2013 | 03:07 pm
Jose Mourinho pleased many fans last night by claiming that Romelu Lukaku, Kevin De Bruyne and Tamas Kalas will play their part in the new season. Lukaku, who was signed for €22Million from Anderlecht...
Moyes warned: Don’t let Mourinho’s Chelsea get ahead early 13 Jul 2013 | 03:46 am
Gary Neville today warned new Manchester United manager David Moyes that he must not let Chelsea get an early lead in the Premier League, because Jose Mourinho will not let it slip. Neville said: “You...
Jose Mourinho Ingin Chelsea Menyesuaikan Gaya Permainan Torres 5 Aug 2013 | 10:02 am
Mourinho Ingin Pemain Chelsea Menyesuaikan Gaya Bermain Torres Berita Bola Berita Bola – Pelatih Chelsea, Jose Mourinho, ingin timnya menyesuaikan gaya permainan Fernando Torres. Torres merupakan p...
Pel Mel: Rooney má na rozhodnutí dva dny, prohlašuje Mourinho. Dál Chelsea čekat nebude 27 Aug 2013 | 12:47 pm
Možný příchod Wayna Rooneyho do Chelsea nenechává trenéra Josého Mourinha v klidu. K typické slovní kanonádě ho vyburcoval bezprostředně po pondělním vzájemném zápase na Old Trafford. "Měl by se koneč...
Jose Mourinho Concedes Chelsea Pursuit Of Man United Striker Wayne Rooney Could Be Over 27 Aug 2013 | 02:01 pm
Rooney started Manchester United's game with Chelsea on Monday night and received a rapturous reception from the fans inside Old Trafford. Check in to Transfer Window: Done Deal Alerts Jose Mourinho...
Dugout Discussion – Monday 26 Aug 2013 | 11:50 pm
The Gameweek concludes with a clash of the titans. The first “humdinging” encounter of the season finds Man United host Jose Mourinho’s Chelsea, handing David Moyes a huge test in his first Premier Le...
Jose Mourinho: Mata er ekki að fara neitt 27 Aug 2013 | 03:56 pm
Jose Mourinho, stjóri Chelsea, segir ekkert til í því að Juan Mata sé á förum frá félaginu. Mata var ónotaður varamaður gegn Manchester United í gær en Mourinho segir að hann sé ekki að fara neitt þr...