Most mpd upnp dlna related news are at:

MPD 0.17.5 released 4 Aug 2013 | 05:24 pm
MPD version 0.17.5 has been released. It fixes two protocol bugs and a crash in the mikmod decoder plugin.
ncmpc 0.21 released 11 Apr 2013 | 01:41 pm
ncmpc 0.21 has been released. Change log
More mpd upnp dlna related news:
Installing MiniDLNA on Ubuntu Server 14 Dec 2011 | 06:48 am
When setting up my Ubuntu server I wanted it to be able to stream my media via UPnP/DLNA, I looked at a few solutions including MediaTomb and uShare, however I decided to go with MiniDLNA based on the...
Play DVD’s on PS3 from NAS UPnP/DLNA 8 Mar 2011 | 12:57 am
There is an easy enough method whereby you can play your DVD movies on the PS3 without any video conversion. This method will transfers the contents of the DVD to a single .mpg video file which can pl...
PS3 Media Server 1.60 – installation on Windows 7 29 Jul 2012 | 09:38 pm
PS3 Media Server is a software for providing media content in a home network. Originally developed for interacting withPlaystation 3, the media server nowadays support lots of other UPNP/DLNA-compatib...
Pix-Star PXT510WR02 10.4 Inch FotoConnect XD Digital Picture Frame with Wi-Fi, Email, Web Albums, UPnP/DLNA 14 Oct 2012 | 02:32 pm
FEATURED Pix-Star PXT510WR02 10.4 Inch FotoConnect XD Digital Picture Frame with Wi-Fi, Email, Web Albums, UPnP/DLNA 10.4 in. (26.4 cm), 4:3 ratio, high-quality digital photo display with low consumpt...
Tip: Envía contenido de Google Music / Música Local directo a XBMC o dispositivos UPnP (Smart TVs), con Cast to UPnP / DLNA 27 Aug 2013 | 03:31 am
Si bien Chromecast no está resultando ser todo lo que uno deseaba (ahora que Google, lamentablemente, está bloqueando la posibilidad de stremear contenido no autorizado, algo que Koush había conseguid...
Google Music via Android-App auf jedes Gerät mit UPnP/DLNA streamen 27 Aug 2013 | 03:45 pm
Mit Cast To UPnP/DLNA for GMusic könnt ihr Google Music auf Geräte mit UPnP/DLNA in eurem heimischen Netzwerk streamen. Streaming ist derzeit schon fast eine Modeerscheinung, wobei es inzwischen darüb...
Pix-Star PXT510WR02 10.4 Inch FotoConnect XD Digital Picture Frame with Wi-Fi, Email, Web Albums, UPnP/DLNA 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Pix-Star PXT510WR02 10.4 Inch FotoConnect XD Digital Picture Frame with Wi-Fi, Email, Web Albums, UPnP/DLNA -- $189.00
Cast To UPnP/DLNA per Google Music: come inviare la musica a qualsiasi device UPnP/DLNA 27 Aug 2013 | 08:15 pm
Sicuramente Cast To UPnP/DLNA for GMusic non sarà l’applicazione più facile da ricordare e un nome un po’ più semplice sarebbe stata una buona alternativa ma la Bubblesoft ha comunque realizzato un pr...
6 server UPnP/DLNA per lo streaming di contenuti multimediali e la condivisione tra i vostri device (cross platform) 19 Jul 2013 | 07:44 pm
6 server UPnP/DLNA per lo streaming di contenuti multimediali e la condivisione tra i vostri device (cross platform) Tissy Tech UPnP è l’acronimo di “Universal Plug and Play” (inserisci e utilizza(...
Cast To UPnP/DLNA per Google Music: come inviare la musica a qualsiasi device UPnP/DLNA 27 Aug 2013 | 08:15 pm
Leggi l'articolo originale... Sicuramente Cast To UPnP/DLNA for GMusic non sarà l’applicazione più facile da ricordare e un nome un po’ più semplice sarebbe stata una buona alternativa ma la Bubbleso...