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比利时海滩瞬间变天,如灾难电影真实上演 11 Aug 2013 | 12:37 pm
这段视频8月5日被人上传到油土鳖,已有近150W人次观看,原帖地址。 位于比利时的一处海滩,日前出现了宛如世界末日的奇景,原本晴空万里的好天气,突然乌云密布、瞬间变天。影片中可以看到天空飘着一大片巨云,吞噬了原先晴朗的好天气,气氛诡谲令人不寒而栗。仔细瞧里面又不时闪着粉红色的雷光,随后乌云颜色越来越深,笼罩的范围也越来越广,使得白天瞬间成了黑夜。 至于原本在海边戏水的民众,看到这如同电影灾难片...
时隔两年又回来了 5 Aug 2013 | 08:18 pm
7月23号换了新主题上线,隔上一篇日志刚好两年整。 为了检查主题样式有不有问题,就从头开始翻以前的文章,越翻就越冒汗,以前怎么会写这么幼稚脑残的东西呢?有媒体转了自己的文章不留出处要赶紧写一篇,有软件新版本泄漏了下载地址要赶紧写一篇,有新服务上线了需要邀请码也要赶紧写一篇,装软件时偷偷耍流氓要吐槽写一篇,看到负面气愤的事情要乱喷写一篇…… 再加上写日志这种事情又有较重的完美强迫症,配图顺序要检...
More mr zhang related news:
2010 Eighteenth Dowell Electronics Show Optoelectronics Exhibition 25 Mar 2011 | 05:09 am
Article by jekky Start time: Â 2010-06-23 End time: Â 2010-06-25 Venue: Â Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition CentreContact: Â Mr. Zhang Contact Phone: Â (86) 0755-83502448,83502441 Sponsored by: Â Ch...
History of Nankai University 24 May 2012 | 04:02 am
In 1919, with the assistance of all walks of life, Nankai University was founded by the patriotic educators Mr.Zhang Boling and Mr. Yan Fansun on the principles of "art to regulate the country, scienc...
Nankai University - Campus Photos 2 5 May 2011 | 09:39 pm
Nankai University - Campus Photos 2 Nankai University was founded in 1919 by the famous patriotic educators, Mr. Zhang Boling and Mr. Yan Xiu.
Mr. Zhang Szechuan Restaurant, Vancouver 27 Jul 2011 | 07:01 pm
On a lazy Canada Day, I decided to have dinner with JL and CL. We wanted to go to Shima-Ya but it was way too packed! This was a complimentary item. It was marinated very well and the meat was tender...
cheap burberry 31 May 2012 | 04:19 pm
Mr. Zhang to (Reporter Cao Wenjia ) Xu , Changchun, members of the public at 22:30 on May 12th ,Discount burberry handbags, Yingbin Road, West Ring Road near the intersection of Internet cafes Intern...
Mr. Zhang Szechuan Restaurant, Vancouver 27 Jul 2011 | 03:01 pm
On a lazy Canada Day, I decided to have dinner with JL and CL. We wanted to go to Shima-Ya but it was way too packed! This was a complimentary item. It was marinated very well and the meat was tender...
两道关于“代词”的题 13 Dec 2012 | 08:46 am
各位老师,大家好~ 跟大家请教两道关于代词的题。期待各位的真知卓见。谢谢! 1. Mr. Zhang gave textbooks to all the pupils except _________ who had already taken them. A. the ones B. ones C. some D. the others 答案:A 疑问:为什么不能选C或者D ...
Thank you, Mr. Lightyear... 12 Jan 2011 | 07:11 pm
To say Bronson is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear might be an understatement. If he didn't have a mother, he would watch Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 on a repetitive loop. All. Day. Long. But Buzz is special....
Mr. Popper’s Penguins (2011) 10 Apr 2011 | 04:41 am
The Plot: After businessman Mr. Popper (Carrey) receives a penguin as a gift, he soon finds himself the caretaker of five more of the seabirds, and he subsequently changes his life and home to accommo...
Para no parar de reír, llega Johnny English Recargado 5 Nov 2011 | 08:50 am
Sí, es cierto, cada vez que uno menciona al actor inglés Rowan Atkinson resulta imposible que de inmediato no nos venga el recuerdo de su personaje más celebrado: Mr. Bean, un hombre excéntrico que no...