Most mud brick houses gaza related news are at:
Congratulation to Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch 23 Aug 2013 | 12:30 pm
We are very happy to receive the news from Cameroon regarding award of honour to Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch. Prof. Pintsch is associated with SPARC in different projects since a very long time. Dr. N...
Handicrafts from Tibet 23 Aug 2013 | 12:12 pm
I came upon Silver Sky Imports - a wonderful marketplace that offers handicrafts from the roof of the world – while searching online. Those interested in handicrafts from tibet must have a look at the...
More mud brick houses gaza related news:
Thatta Kedona 16 Mar 2012 | 09:13 pm
The cluster of mud and brick houses in the plains of Punjab, Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka (TGD) looks like a typical Pakistani village about 80 kilometres away from Lahore and 40 kilometres from Indus civi...