Most mug rug related news are at:

Wutz... wutz... 14 Jul 2013 | 01:14 pm
Die Sau in einen Spiegel schaut und denkt: "Ich bin doch gut gebaut. Ich könnte glatt als Model geh`n. Mal von den Hüften abgeseh´n. Na ja, ein wenig stark die Knie und Taille hatte ich noch nie....
Ganz von der Rolle... 23 Jun 2013 | 01:21 pm
...war ich auf der Nadelwelt in Karlsruhe von den traumhaften Sue-Daley-Quilts... wunderschön, so ganz mein Fall... Da mußte am Stand doch wenigstens die Anleitung und Schablonen für eine Kleinigkei...
More mug rug related news:
point of view {fall} featured! 28 Sep 2011 | 08:24 am
Hope you all had an amazing weekend! Thanks to everyone who linked up over at the link party for Fall POV! You are all awesome and there were so many fun projects. Loved the patchwork mug rugs from Li...
November and all there is to remember! 6 Dec 2011 | 06:06 pm
This post will be a torrent of past news. I'm back dated on my posts again. Life got busier and time is really moving ahead fast. So between special visits, mug rug exchanges, some super bargain shopp...
Book & Mini Mug Rug Winner 30 Sep 2012 | 12:56 am
Thank you to everyone who left a comment. I really enjoyed reading about all of the favorite places in the world that you all love. I think one of the more popular favorite places was your own backyar...
when March comes marching in ... 12 Mar 2013 | 04:50 am
another year to be added into my great moments ... not to be discussed it yet so let it be !! talking about the game that we @ FB QUILT GROUP are playing now ... MUG RUG SWAP... altogether there are 2...
Wieder mal Mug Rug's 2 May 2013 | 07:14 pm
Ich mag einfach diese kleinen "Tassen- Teppiche". Sie sind einfach praktisch für den Alltag, und ideal , wenn ein kleines Geschenk benötigt wird. Der Braune ist schon für eine liebe Freundin "verplant...
Podkładki - mug rug- raz jeszcze:) 13 May 2013 | 07:10 pm
Podkładka to chyba najwdzięczniejsza rzecz do szycia pod słońcem. Mała, nieskomplikowana przy szyciu, a co najważniejsze efekt widać w ciągu krótkiego czasu. Ja skusiłam się na wykorzystanie tkaniny w...
Hot Summer Mini Mug Rug // Podkładka kawowa w kolorach gorącego lata 9 Aug 2013 | 11:21 pm
I was dreaming whole year about hot summer and now when temperatures are very high I am really happy. I love swimming in the lakes and sea, which in Poland is rather cold. You should know that summer ...
Mug Rugs in Progress... 30 Jul 2013 | 12:08 am
Happy Monday! I hope that your weekend was fun and that you had a chance to sew! I made some Mug Rugs which are now in various stages and coming close to finished! The Mug Rugs are for different swaps...
OI PESSOAL! Mostrando de pertinho o trilhozinho de crochê , parece fuxico , mas são quadradinhos - squares bem pequenos e unidos - dá um certo trabalho, mas me apaixonei tanto pelas cores e por parec...
A gift for Luna's teacher 14 Jul 2013 | 07:52 pm
Together with Luna I made this sweet mug rug for her teacher's birthday this Wednesday. Luna did the Hedgehog embroidery and has worked on and off on her project for a couple of months at least. I thi...