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Free Multi Site Manager Plugin 27 Aug 2013 | 01:43 pm
MultiWPManager today unveils a simpler solution for managing multiple wordpress sites. Introducing MultiWPManager. A complete wordpress manager that makes the wordpress experience easier and faster....
Command line Drupal install and update script for multi-site hosting 12 May 2009 | 03:00 am
Maintaining a Drupal site, or a collection of sites is much easier if everything is kept completely separate--Drupal core, contributed modules, and the site itself. This is even more important if mul...
WordPress 3.0 jetzt mit Multi-Site-Funktion 20 Jun 2010 | 01:36 am
Die Entwickler des Content Management Systems (CMS) namens WordPress haben die neue Version 3.0 freigegeben. Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen gehört die Integration der Multi-User-Variante WordPress MU....
WordPress 3.0 Multi Site History 5 Aug 2010 | 12:56 pm
In order to understand the WordPress Multi Site feature, you will need to understand the history of WordPress and a previous product known as WordPress MU. The MU stands for Multi User. WordPress M...
FAQ – instalacja na WordPress Network (Multi Site) 16 May 2012 | 11:41 pm
WordPress Network to instalacja WordPressa, w której można tworzyć odrębne witryny, tak jakby były odrębnymi instalacjami WordPressa. Instalacja taka korzysta z jednej bazy danych, ma jeden panel admi...
How to find the IP address of my domain names? 15 Feb 2012 | 06:01 am
Recently I was trying to set up a network of sites using the Multi site function in WordPress and one of the things I needed to figure out was what my domain names IP address was, after googling how t...
Using WordPress for Site Management 17 Jun 2011 | 05:12 am
I have been developing and maintaining web sites for fifteen years. Although I have always striven to provide clean – maintainable – websites, I find, when I look at some of the old code, I have not ...
If I am interested in careers in construction, should I study engineering or construction management? 30 May 2012 | 12:57 pm
If I am interested in careers in construction, should I study engineering or construction management? I am interested in careers anywhere from design to site management. Which college major would offe...
Lowongan Kerja di MAU 27 May 2012 | 02:55 am
Membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja untuk : 1. Site Manager Pndidikan S1 Teknik Sipil Pengalaman Min.5 tahun dibidang pembangunan pabrik 2. Cost Controler Pendidikan Min.S1 Teknik Sipil Pengalaman...
Facebook Defeated This Site 10 May 2012 | 03:26 am
Grafanda - Who does not know the world's largest social network Facebook. But who would have thought there is also the site managed to beat this site in a category where users spend time. The site fr...