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TYPO3 multi language & multi domain site with RealURL and language menu 9 Apr 2010 | 07:16 am
This is a step-by-step tutorial which describes in detail how to setup TYPO3 for a multilingual website with "domain language switching". It will describe how to properly configure RealURL, extend it'...
WordPress MU und Multi-Domain Mapping 30 Aug 2009 | 01:30 pm
Nach und nach entwickelt sich WordPress MU für mich immer mehr zu einem zentralen CMS und mit dem Plugin WordPress MU Domain Mapping kann man sogar mehrere Domains auf eine WordPress MU-Installation b...
Membuat Multi Domain di Localhost 23 Feb 2011 | 11:59 pm
Kali ini saya akan memberikan panduan bagaimana cara untuk membuat nama domain [ Multi Domain ] pada komputer localhost menggunakan aplikasi XAMPP. Secara default jika aplikasi XAMPP telah tertanam di...
Domain verkaufen? 25 Jan 2011 | 08:49 am
Da ich aktuell und auch in naher Zukunft keine Zeit haben werde, aus dieser Domain was vernünftiges zu machen, denke ich gerade darüber nach, diese Domain zu verkaufen. Wenn also jemand Interesse an d...
Taxi Booking for Joomla 1.5 19 Apr 2012 | 09:42 am
Taxi Booking is Joomla component that installs easy and has very user friendly management interface. Price £89 fully open source multi domain license. Taxi Booking for Joomla 1.5 Demo This is Jo...
Simulink for field-programmable gate array (FPGA) automation with Xilinx – Simple & Easy 21 Apr 2012 | 05:41 pm
MATLAB is renowned for algorithm exploration and development. On the other hand, Simulink is capable of performing time-based multi-domain system-level design, modelling, analysis, simulation in the g...
Discount offer on GeoTrust True BusinessID EV Multi Domain SSL from SSL Store 19 Jul 2012 | 01:37 pm
Buy GeoTrust True BusinessID EV Multi Domain SSL at just $291.15 Per Year. To avail this unbelievable discount offer on GeoTrust True BusinessID EV Multi Domain SSL Visit:
How To: Configuring A Private Multi-domain Catchall Email System 1 Jun 2012 | 08:40 pm
There are many advantages to getting a few generic mail related domains and setting up your own free mail host. For one, it eliminates the closed accounts and restrictions from major providers, has a ...
Sphinncon 2011 - Gilad Sasson - Hebrew Domains & SEO Spam or Not? 17 Jan 2011 | 09:13 pm
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Discount offer on Multi Domain SSL at just $183/yr 6 Aug 2012 | 05:22 pm
Description: True BusinessID Multi Domain SSL support several domain formats as long as the organization specified in the certificate has the right to use the domain. True BusinessID Multi-Domain cer...