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More multiple css files related news:
Instant remove restrictions from multiple PDF files 25 Aug 2011 | 05:50 pm
August 2011. Instantly remove the password from any PDF file with the latest version of Atomic PDF Password Recovery 3.1 – guaranteed. Batch processing of password-protected PDF files. Demo version av...
Time Saver: remove restrictions from multiple PDF files 12 Apr 2011 | 10:10 pm
April 2011. Atomic PDF Password Recovery 3.0 is the latest version of the best solution for lost passwords to PDF files. Version 3.0 gives users the power to process PDF files in batches and supports ...
CSS Color Replacement Tool 24 Feb 2010 | 08:45 am
This tool allows you to extract the hex color codes from a remote CSS file, displaying both the hex codes and the colors themselves. You can then enter the new color codes you would like to replace th...
Jx List Files v1.2 released 7 Feb 2010 | 06:28 am
{quickdown:106} Jx List Files v1.2 has been released. New features: Better CSS file sent in by Doug Ludlow. Now allows to change the sort order and direction. A native Joomla 1.5 module to list the ...
Customize Using CSS 21 Apr 2011 | 07:27 am
Thesis allows you to customize your website exactly to your needs using a future-proof CSS file named, custom.css What is CSS? The Cascading Style Sheet has been around since 1997 and allows us to c...
Software Recomendations at 6 Feb 2011 | 09:19 pm
Are you looking for a specialized software to edit your PHP/CSS files? Perhaps an alternative browser? Tired of developing and looking to take a break and watch a video? Then, browse the software sele...
YUI Compressor Shell Extension for Windows 17 Jul 2009 | 07:36 am
This is a registry/bat extension that allows you to right-click a folder in Windows explorer (tested on XP) and it will delete all of the *-min.js and *-min.css files and then recreate them using YUI ...
Real Estate Web Design Elements – Templates, Logos and Photos 29 May 2012 | 01:09 am
19 Real Estate Themed HTML Web Templates and Graphics. 15 Real Estate Themed Logos in a Variety of Formats 50 Real Estate Themed High Quality Stock Photos Includes HTML Layouts, CSS files and Web Grap...
How To Add A Custom Header To Your Thesis Website 5 Nov 2009 | 05:38 am
Adding a masterhead into the header requires you to style two elements of your page: your #header div & the #logo element. Here’s the code you’ll need to add to your custom.css file: Additional Notes...
Adding a logo to your header 26 Oct 2009 | 07:35 pm
Adding an image logo instead of the text site title is simple. Add the following code into the custom.css file which is located in the /wp-content/themes/thesis_16/ directory. The last line will hide...