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More mundo media team related news:
Meet us in London 23 Jan 2012 | 11:54 pm
Hello All! The Reef Media team will be attending the London Affiliate Conference and we would be happy to meet for a drink, dinner or lunch…whatever you prefer. Please contact us ASAP to arrange a m...
Meet Us In Budapest 29 Aug 2010 | 10:40 pm
Hello All! The Reef Media team will be in at the Budapest Affiliate Conference, we would be happy to meet for a drink, dinner, lunch or maybe even a serious meeting. (We wont be wearing a suit though...
Meet us in Budapest 13 Aug 2009 | 12:07 am
Hello All, The Reef Media team will be attending the Budapest Affiliate Conference, if you would to scedule a meeting with us (anything goes, from beers to 7 course meals) please contact your campaig...
Full Court Press 10 Ten 15 Oct 2011 | 09:32 am
Full-Court Press is a daily feature from the Elite Camp composed by Hoop Group’s media team that will highlight the performance of ten players that stood out for a variety of reasons. This edition of ...
Eco Orbies Review and Giveaway 30 May 2012 | 04:53 pm
Being a part of Karma Media Team (, I was given the opportunity to review Eco-Orbies. The Eco-Orbies are environmentally friendly, water beads that have many uses and come ...
More Telstra Woes 27 Sep 2010 | 05:43 pm
David Thodey is a nice guy and he’s very customer focussed. His people have put in place a Social Media team who respond promptly to issues raised with @telstra. Unfortunately, answering tweets and ...
Word Camp Phoenix 2012 Recap 29 Feb 2012 | 06:31 am
This weekend the Falling Up Media team invaded WordCamp Phoenix (or as some of us call it, #wcphx). We came to learn and share, and came prepared: arming ourselves with smart phones, laptops, and a vi...
Reporter alla Notte Bianca SGV 3 Jul 2011 | 04:19 am
Sabato 25 giugno ero a San Giovanni Valdarno… perchè? Perchè ero stato selezionato nel social media team che aveva il compito di raccontare la Notte Bianca sui social network e nella blogosfera. Ore ...
Coastal Physio 18 Mar 2011 | 12:03 am
Promotional site for one of the Oakes Media team in her other job as a physiotherapist in Hythe. The site uses WordPress to power the content management system, coupled with the fantastic ‘BigFeature...
10 ways to Promote Tenerife as a Golf destination: 9 Oct 2011 | 09:07 pm
1. Identify Social Media as your number one tool to promote Tenerife Golf. Embrace twitter, facebook, youtube, linkedin, google+, flickr & a few others. 2. Form a Social Media team made up of Hotels,...