Most music bank comeback stage related news are at:

SUPER JUNIOR DONGHAE & EUNHYUK - I WANNA DANCE (MV Short ver.) 29 May 2013 | 09:56 pm
Credit: avexnetwork MV thứ 2 của Eunhae, phải công nhận là cả hai quá đẹp, quá dễ thương... nhạc hay, lời hay, nhảy đẹp... TUYỆT VỜI 3>
Cảm ơn và xin lỗi 25 May 2013 | 10:58 pm
Đã một thời gian dài chủ nhà bỏ bê blog, vì vụ trộm vào nhà lấy mất laptop, vì là sinh viên năm cuối phải đi thực tập, và nhiều lý do khác... Có nhiều bạn theo dõi các fic của mình, mình thật sự cảm ơ...
More music bank comeback stage related news:
SHINee – Up & Down & Lucifer Comeback Performances 29 Jul 2010 | 12:32 am
Ah, sorry this took so long. Uni started this week for me and I just got a chance to watch their Inki performance last night. 100723 Music Bank – Minho got a heck of a lot of screentime considering h...
CNBLUE celebrates their ‘Music Bank’ win 3 Apr 2011 | 06:48 pm
One week since their comeback, CNBLUE grabbed the #1 spot on MNET’s ‘M! Countdown‘. So what do the boys do after reaching the top? They celebrate of course! On April 1st, CNBLUE snatched #1 on ‘Music...
f(x) faz seu comeback no Music Bank (22/04) 23 Apr 2011 | 12:22 am
Gangsta Boy Pinocchio (Danger): Créditos: maruzete @youtube
[NEWS/110802] Super Junior to Perform 1st Comeback Stage on KBS Music Bank 2 Aug 2011 | 04:41 pm
Super Junior has finally released their 5th studio album “Mr. Simple” as well as the 2nd music video teaser for their title song of the same name. The music video teasers themselves have received a ho...
110715 SJ’s Comeback Schedule (Unconfirmed) 16 Jul 2011 | 02:13 pm
July 20th: Music Video Filming July 27th: MV Teaser Release August 1st: Song Release August 3rd: Album Release August 5th: Comeback on Music Bank Supposedly, there is going to be three version...
090807 SHINee_Goodbye stage - Juliette @ KBS Music Bank 27 Aug 2009 | 03:30 pm
090807 SHINee_Goodbye stage - Juliette @ KBS Music Bank 001 : 002 : Credit : shineechina + Credit and...
SISTAR does Music Bank the cool way 13 Aug 2011 | 03:25 am
Are you a fan of SISTAR‘s new choreographed stage? The tail dance is out, but the belt dresses or should I say mini dresses are still in. Is this the best censorship for minors? SISTAR made their co...
Heo Young Saeng Comeback Stage @ Music Core 22 May 2011 | 03:18 am
Young Saeng makes his comeback stage at Music Core today. He looks so handsome, doesn't he? I love the stage setting for Music Core today. We get another fill of Saengie's dimples, smirks, bad boy sta...
101001 SHINee Comeback @Music Bank- Hello 2 Oct 2010 | 12:09 am
It’s a different concept from Lucifer and I like their look but I have to say the song is just ok to me. I may like it more in the future, but for now I’m not addicted to it. I like Jonghyun’s and On...
ss501's music video for "love like this" finally released 30 Oct 2009 | 04:51 pm
triple s should be more than happy for this. music video for love like this is out. released a week after the great comeback stages, this MV will only keep the intensity higher. we are getting good s...