Most music clubs berlin related news are at:

2008-12-01 Danko Jones Grand Opening 31 May 2012 | 12:36 am
1996 in Toronto gegründet, hat das Trio um den Namensgeber, Gitarristen und Sänger Danko Jones sich dem harten Weg verschrieben: Bekanntheit durch pausenloses Touren in über 30 Ländern auf 5 Kontinen...
2008-12-02 Groupshow Jan Jelinek, Andrew Pekler, Hanno Leichtmann 30 May 2012 | 11:36 pm
Groupshow is a trio consisting of Jan Jelinek, Hanno Leichtmann & Andrew Pekler. Although instrumental roles have yet to be finalized, Jan Jelinek tends to use a computer, effects boxes and a mixer t...
More music clubs berlin related news:
Barba Negra Music Club 11 Apr 2012 | 12:59 am
Barba Negra Music Club, Az oldalt a Barba Negra franchise megbízására készítettem el. Mind az oldal kiépítése, mind az arculat tervezése a dolgom volt. Az oldalban egyedi admin felület kezeli a progra...
Neopit Pilski в Пловдив (най-сетне качествен запис) 7 Apr 2009 | 08:25 pm
04.04.2009 Lebowski Live Music Club, Пловдив (P. S. Възползвайте се от fullscreen бутона).
Michael Jackson kokoelmalevy vain 1 € + 1,90 € 18 Jul 2009 | 02:39 am
Home Enter Music club on tehnyt Michael Jacksonin, popin kuninkaan, muistoa kunnioittaen kokoelmalevyn. Kokoelmalevy sisältää kaikki Jacksonin suurimmat hitit kuten Billy Jean, Thriller, Smooth Crimin...
Skull skins! Sony MDR-PQ5 earphones 30 May 2012 | 07:48 pm
PIIQ is Sony in the United States launched the brand, DJ, music clubs and players on the street as the main object of consumption, so the appearance of the product, design, pattern, has a deep, popula...
We Will Rock You - The Queen Musical in Berlin 19 Dec 2010 | 09:27 am
I've recently been invited to see the Musical of Queen in the "Theater of the West" in Berlin. The show was awesome, the singers have amazing voices and the songs have been great (of course!). In ...
Recently, 30 May 2010 | 10:06 pm
I've been exceptionally emo. I've just come back from church camp. I've joined a band with Mingy, Ian and Yung Tyng. I've started my own music club in college. I've gotten fat-ter. I've been slacking ...
Neue Clubs in Berlin 24 Apr 2009 | 06:20 pm
Es hagelt neue Clubs. Gerade erst vor ein paar Tagen oeffnete der Tube Club Berlin seine Pforten. Die Location in der Friedrichstrasse kennen wir schon von einigen guten Events. Die Alfa Romeo Praesen...
Maxxim Club Berlin feiert B-Day 30 Mar 2009 | 06:58 pm
Das Maxxim hat Geburtstag. Anders als der Frischling Puro Club Berlin gehoert das Maxxim schon zu den etablierten Haeschen auf dem Berliner Disco Parkett. Das 2 jaehrige Bestehen wurde mit allen Promi...
Jazz & bossa nova la Velvet Music Club 26 Apr 2010 | 06:32 am
Vineri seara, dupa un drum de 166 km parcurs in ,,doar’’ 4 ore (cu Rapidul) gratie CFRului ce intotdeauna da dovada de ,,competenta si profesionalism’’, am ajuns in sfarsit intr-un loc frumos. Dar int...
Top House Music ™Club Hits [Exclusivo Data Mix" Italiano Rumba Vs. Latino Fiesta] 9 Dec 2011 | 10:05 pm
Exclusive House Music [ Italiano Rumba Vs. Latino Fiesta] Nuovo Musica House [Ultimo Datamix : Italo-Latin Mix] Novedades deMusica House [Ultimas Canciones Del Club] Nouvelle Compile House Musique du ...