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Learn More on Music through Music School Today 20 May 2012 | 04:37 pm
Maybe you are so interested right now to go to the best kind of music school right now, since this is your long time dream that you wanted to. Now, you are in the right stage of your life for you to e...
Unterricht Drums & Keys mit Frank Rebl in Merzig 30 May 2012 | 07:12 pm
Music School Improve Your Groove Musikschule in Merzig-Hilbringen ” Germany`s Next Animal ” - Drum Battle ! Improve Your Groove - Drumming Like The Animal Schlagfertiger Schlagabtausch im Schlagzeug...
Hallo Merzig, Saarland, Deutschland, Welt ! 29 May 2012 | 06:59 pm
Willkommen auf der Homepage der Musikschule in Merzig-Hilbringen für Schlagzeug und Keyboard Music School Improve Your Groove Frank Rebl Auf 60 m² zum Wohlfühlen findest Du modernen und privaten Musik...
Schlagzeugschule MERZIG Schlagzeugunterricht SAAR 26 May 2012 | 05:33 am
Musikschule in Merzig-Hilbringen Music School Improve Your Groove Trommeln bis der Arzt kommt hier im Drum Studio Deiner Musikschule in Merzig. Schlagzeugspielen einmal die Woche 30, 45 oder 60 Minute...
M2 Music School 23 Feb 2012 | 11:47 pm
ボイストレーニング(ボイトレ)・ボーカルレッスン・ギター・ベーススクールは横浜・菊名のM2 Music Schoolへ。 ★30分無料体験レッスンを随時受付中★ ★入会金10,500円が無料★ ★東急東横線・JR横浜線菊名駅より徒歩3分!★ 初心者からプロ志向の方まで、人前で歌うことが苦手な方、カラオケ大好きな方、初めてギター・ベースに挑戦する方。 音楽大好きな方なら誰でも大歓迎です。 業...
Learning Basic Piano Chords 2 Mar 2011 | 07:24 am
Learning basic piano chords is a breeze. You don’t need to have a private teacher. You don’t have to enroll in music school. You don’t even need to have all ten fingers. You only need at least four. Y...
Best Music Schools – Top Music Colleges 2 May 2012 | 09:29 pm
There is such a wide ranging choice now when it comes to picking a quality educational establishment for your child or yourself. As professional musicians we have access to a pool of friends and colle...
Broadway Academy Westmount and its classes and workshops were presented to all families in Montreal island area! “Montreal Families” presented unique Broadway workshops couched by musical theater per...
Smoke on the water… 21 Apr 2010 | 05:40 pm
Monika Sargsyan (Yerevan)- On 1st October, 2009, rock legends Ian Gillan and Toni Iommi visited music school N6 in Gyumri within the framework of the Armenia Grateful 2 Rock project, realized by Media...
Gig in Benissa tomorrow 07-29 9pm 29 Jul 2011 | 02:52 am
I am going to play in Benissa on the Plaza Central tomorrow with a 5 piece band from the SiFaSol music school. I’ll happen at 9pm where the little fountain is. Voy a tocar mañana con un grupo de SiFa...