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Get upto 73% OFF + 10% additional OFF on Flipkart 27 Aug 2013 | 07:18 pm has announced a sale on Men's Clothing where the apparels are already discounted upto 73% + if you buy 3 apparels then you get additional 10% OFF on your total cart value. Select...
Nike Shox NZ EU shoes black silver – stylefile 30 May 2012 | 12:22 am
0 items in,air jordan 3 retro black shopping cart Total: 0.00 search detail searchitem no SO5520706color black silver 129.90 incl. taxDescription of article Nike Shox NZ EU shoes black silver sor...
Nike Shox NZ EU shoes black silver – stylefile 30 May 2012 | 12:30 am
0 items in,jordan retro blue shopping cart Total: 0.00 search detail searchitem no SO5520706color black silver 129.90 incl. taxDescription of article Nike Shox NZ EU shoes black silver sorry,air ...
Zen-Cartバグ)差引残高0の場合の注文ステータス 31 May 2010 | 04:25 pm
Zen-Cart v1.3.0.2で 一般設定>クーポン券の設定>差引残高0の場合の注文ステータス が反映されないというバグを発見しましたので、ご報告いたします。 修正方法は includes\classes\order.php 550行目付近 if ($this->info['total'] == 0) { if (DEFAULT_ZERO_BALANCE_ORDERS_STATUS_ID ==...
Un tirage de carte gratuit pour vous 15 Nov 2009 | 09:39 pm
Une tirage de cartes totalement gratuit pour vous Grand Tirage de carte
Total PC Audit – Plongez dans les entrailles de votre ordinateur 8 Sep 2011 | 12:28 am
Vous n’avez pas assemblé vous-même votre ordinateur et vous n’avez aucune idée de ce qu’il y a dedans ? Quelle carte graphique, quel disque dur, quel processeur…etc Pas pratique lorsque vous devez tro...
Coffee in London 4 Jan 2012 | 09:33 am
Before I totally forget about all the great coffee we’ve had in London, here’s my collective brain dump on coffee shops we’ve been to. Flat Cap A nice little coffee cart in Westminster, not far from...
Adding "Price" field to Ubercart cart page 11 Dec 2010 | 01:25 am
On the /cart page of Ubercart store, you can usually see such fields: That’s total price per row, and amount of products per row. For a customer project, I wanted to add single item price to this pa...
Vand autoturism Skoda Fabia din 2006 7 Mar 2011 | 02:56 pm
Auto inmatriculat ianuarie 2011. Este stare impecabilă, are abs. epc. asr. klimatik. audio cd skoda, scaune recaro, volan piele 3 spiţe, carte service la zi. Cauciucuri noi, consum redus, servo total ...
Lansare carte: “Contribuţii la Monografia Mănăstirii şi Comunei Comana” 25 Nov 2011 | 02:44 am
Cu mare bucurie, anunţăm lansarea celei de-a doua ediţii a cărţii “Contribuţii la Monografia Mănăstirii şi Comunei Comana”, autor doamna Maria – Valeria Picu, carte apărută la Editura Total Publishing...