Most mx records related news are at:

How to delete frozen mails from Exim mail queue 20 Jun 2013 | 03:41 pm
Sometimes there can be so many frozen mails in the Exim mail queue. To know the number of frozen mails in the mail queue, you can use the following command exim -bpr | grep frozen | wc -l In order...
[Solved] Single login name to access multiple databases under MSSQL 9 May 2013 | 10:16 am
O.S/Panel Version: Windows operating system-tested on SQL 2005/2008-management studio Symptoms: Customer wants to access multiple db's using single login. How to recreate: Nil Solution: Log onto t...
More mx records related news:
Tutorial: Setting Up MX Record for Windows Live Domains in cPanel 5 Apr 2012 | 03:05 am
Hello! In this post a full tutorial on how to set up mx entry for windows live domains in cPanel. First lets talk about the service from Microsoft. Why do you add your domain name to Windows Live do...
Quickly Add MX Records for Google Apps 23 Apr 2011 | 08:01 am
This is a wicked quick way to add the necessary MX records to your site so that you can use Google Apps for Domains. This is probably only useful and worth the effort if you are like me and create doz...
Google Apps check added [3] 11 Mar 2010 | 09:30 pm
I've just added a Google Apps Check to BrowserSpy. Now you can check to see if your Google Apps domain is setup correctly. It checks if the MX record and the TXT record with the SPF is setup correctl...
How to change your MX records / email provider via cPanel 19 Sep 2012 | 04:07 am
This guide will walk you through the process of changing a domain’s Mail Exchange (MX) record(s) to point email to a different server. MX records are a critically important part of a web site’s DNS be...
Tell ClearOS about your MX Record 7 Mar 2013 | 04:48 pm
We recently shifted our gateway machine from an old Fedora built to ClearOS. The ease of configuring the firewall, DNS, DHCP and Gateway was so much that we could not wipe the grin off our faces for t...
Managing DNS Advanced Tools 4 Jun 2013 | 11:11 am
This articles shows how to add Private Nameservers ,A records, MX records, CNAME Alias, , and set NS records.
123Reg’s MX records with your own custom nameservers 1 May 2013 | 05:49 pm
I recently had to set emails up for a client through 123Reg and had no luck finding 123Reg’s MX records if you wanted to use your own, custom nameservers. For consistency across our hosting clients, ...
Re: Domain Paket mit Emailweiterleitung 17 Jul 2013 | 12:47 pm
Ich hatte vergessen zu erwähnen, dass (OpenShift) dynamische IPs verwendet und ich daher keinen A Record verwenden kann. Die Kombination CNAME und MX Record funktioniert meines Wissens nac...
Unterschied von A-Record, CNAME-Record und MX-Record 30 May 2013 | 05:41 am
A-Records, CNAME-Records und MX-Records sind Bestandteile eines Domain Name Systems (kurz DNS) und verknüpfen Domains mit IP-basierten Diensten. Besonders wichtig wird ihr Einsatz bei der Verwaltung v...
SPF failure Issue on Exchange 2007 19 Jul 2013 | 05:23 am
We started using a third party spam solution ( pointed our MX records to them) and since then some of our e-mails are being rejected by are 2007 in house Exchange server. The exact error is below and ...