Most my first iphone app related news are at:

De dåliga IT-systemen i vården: Jonas Söderström i SVT Aktuellt 8 Aug 2013 | 06:50 pm
Jonas Söderström intervjuades om de dåliga IT-systemen inom vårdsektorn i gårdagens Aktuellt på SVT. Precis som läkaren i en av intervjuerna konstaterade så är detta en fråga om patientsäkerhet som ma...
Utvärdering av officiella webbplatser för turistinformation 19 Jul 2013 | 04:30 pm
Hur väljer man egentligen vart man ska åka om man inte har någon kännedom om resmålen sen innan. Här nedan presenteras tre av Sveriges mest populära sommardestinationers officiella turistinfomations-w...
More my first iphone app related news:
DishPointer Compass (iPhone App) 4 Aug 2009 | 03:37 pm
UPDATE: This app has been superseded by the DishPointer AR apps – they are much better and easier to use. You can directly see where the satellites are. We have released our first iPhone app: DishPoi...
XCode 4 – Creating your first iPhone app 24 Feb 2012 | 03:27 pm
Learn how to make your first iPhone App using Xcode 4. This easy tutorial lets you learn how to add icons, loading screens, and use the storyboards feature. No Experience is Needed! Leave comments bel...
Easy Steps To Develop Your First iPhone App 6 Nov 2011 | 07:33 pm
Although developing an iPhone application isn’t really rocket science, there are a number of potentially challenging obstacles that you will have to surmount. There is a fair degree of programming inv...
Top features we cut from the Klout app 26 Apr 2012 | 06:22 am
Today my team launched Klout’s first iPhone app. Since this was a very fast project there were of course several killer features that didn’t make the cut. Knowing that my readership on this blog is b...
Polish/stash iPhone app 25 Sep 2010 | 03:29 pm
So this is slightly off topic, but I spent the past couple of days developing my first iPhone app. I've been looking for a nice app to keep track of my nail polish and makeup collection, but I never r...
Snow Reports Makes the Big Time 11 Feb 2009 | 02:00 am
I'm very pleased to announce that Snow Reports made it into Apple's recent series of iPhone commercials! Snow Reports is the first iPhone app that I designed so it was a huge pat on the back to see th...
Just Launched My First iPhone App – TaskMob 2 Sep 2011 | 04:39 pm
Over the summer, I’ve been spending most of my efforts learning iOS development. It’s been a fascinating experience and have come to appreciate just how powerful the iOS SDK framework really is. It’s ...
Our first iPhone app - the "iTormentor" 4 Feb 2010 | 05:20 am
The iTormentor is the first iPhone app created by With iTormentor, you can play pranks or just drive your friends and co-workers bonkers! Pick one of the 99 world's most annoying sound...
Happy Tapper 25 Apr 2010 | 07:25 am
Happy Tapper design only I was delighted to work on my first iPhone app website design, I know I know, a long time coming! Hopefully this will be the first of many as there is something nice and subt...
Easy Steps To Develop Your First iPhone App 6 Nov 2011 | 02:33 pm
Although developing an iPhone application isn’t really rocket science, there are a number of potentially challenging obstacles that you will have to surmount. There is a fair degree of programming inv...