Most my pet goat related news are at:
The Perfection of NYT Mag’s Ryan Cover, Mr. Right 20 Oct 2012 | 01:36 am
It's perfect -- especially the title.
No, Everyone DOESN’T Do It: Why WAPO’s Defense of Ryan’s Soup Kitchen Photo Op is Dead Wrong 19 Oct 2012 | 10:55 am
I can understand the media wanting to absolve itself of responsibility in enabling the Ryan photo op and distributing the pictures, but in this case, these comparisons don't wash.
More my pet goat related news:
I, Pet Goat II by Heliofant 6 Jul 2012 | 06:49 pm
兩部實驗動畫欣賞 11 Jul 2012 | 10:56 pm
Drift,很美的一部影片,這裡的動畫與其說是"形"的動態,不如是說"筆觸"的動態,躍動的筆觸架構出獨特的畫面美感。 I, pet goat II,另一部純藝術動畫,沒有敘述或是典型的"故事",充滿了東西方各宗教的象徵與隱喻,很有趣。 Junkyard Trailer,非常有張力的一部動畫短片預告。
Animação 3D: I, pet goat II 10 Jul 2012 | 04:19 am
I, pet goat II é uma animação 3D desenvolvida pelos estúdios da Heliofant no Canadá, que tem como objectivo a criação de conteúdo experimental e desafiador. A animação 3D I, pet goat II retrata al...
火了 I, pet goat II 牛人详解内涵[多图] 17 Jul 2012 | 11:03 pm
火了 I, pet goat II 内涵非常 头上的标签,666. 箱子象征“物质世界”,上面有个人用缰绳牵着,说明“束缚” 羊,象征人群。摇/转头象征被 心理催眠。 粘着血迹的 手【貌似是蜥蜴皮肤】,操控着 物质世界中的傀儡。 戒指:1、$金钱, 象征着 崇拜物质、金钱,用钱来控制大众; 2、蛇形,爬虫。 布什 布什在跳舞前,做了一个“共济会”手势...
I Pet Goat II - a film elemzése 18 Apr 2013 | 07:46 pm
Egy értékes elemzés jutott el hozzánk az I Pet Goat II című animációs kisfilmről egy kedves olvasónk "Hun-tzu" jóvoltából. A film megjelenésekor igencsak megosztotta a nézőket, mivel a benne fellelhet...
I, pet goat II 15 May 2013 | 04:05 pm
Prenses, birazdan aşağıda izlemeyi planladığın kadar iyi işler izlediğimde gerçekten gözlerim doluyor. Seninle de böyle videoları paylaşma imkanına sahip olduğum için kendimi şanslı hissediyorum. İyi ...
I, pet goat II 15 May 2013 | 04:05 pm
Prenses, birazdan aşağıda izlemeyi planladığın kadar iyi işler izlediğimde gerçekten gözlerim doluyor. Seninle de böyle videoları paylaşma imkanına sahip olduğum için kendimi şanslı hissediyorum. İyi ...
The Truth about I, Pet Goat II, with a full interpretation of its symbols and what it means 11 Jul 2012 | 10:28 pm
The movie short “I, Pet Goat 2” has become something of a viral hit. It is labeled on Vimeo as “a story about the fire at the heart of suffering”, but it is so much more. Watch it here
Esoteerinen animaatioelokuva – I, Pet Goat II 27 Aug 2013 | 04:16 am
I, Pet Goat II on mielenkiintoinen lyhytelokuva, joka käsittelee monikerroksisessa tarinassaan mm. salaliittoja ja maailman tilaa. Videossa ei sanota sanaakaan, mutta musiikki ja animaatio vievät vie...
Silent But Deadly Hitting DVD & VOD this September 19 Aug 2013 | 09:41 am
Have you ever had a pet goat? Did your pet goat ever end up as the daily special at your local eatery? No? Me neither, but I’d be pretty pissed if that did happen!! In the upcoming film, SILENT BU...