Most my slimmer related news are at:

バブル経済 4 Jun 2013 | 09:54 am
覚えておこう、バブル経済(日本では80年代から)というのは時価資産(例えば不動産や株式など)の取引価格が度を過ぎた投機により経済の成長を超過してなおもありえない高騰を続け、当然の結果として投機による下支えができなくなるまでの経済状態を指します。 【用語】外貨MMFはどんな仕組み?日本国内であっても売買できる数少ない外貨商品。外貨預金の内容と比較して利回りがずいぶん良い上に、為替の変動によって発生す...
婚活パーティーの必需品 18 Jan 2013 | 11:40 am
婚活パーティーの必需品 初めてのことはどんなことでも緊張します。お見合いパーティーに初めて参加する人も例外ではないでしょう。参加要項をよく読めば必要なものはすべて書かれていますので、少なくともパーティーの前日までにはそろえておくと安心です。 本人確認のために身分証明書の提示が必要なパーティーが増えています。パスポートや免許証で確認できますので。必ず携帯しましょう。また、中には独身証明書が必要なこと...
More my slimmer related news:
Key to More Active, Slimmer Kids: Friends 30 May 2012 | 11:08 am
Small study found they adjust physical activity based on their social network By Randy Dotinga MONDAY, May 28 (HealthDay News) — Could your young child be putting on excess pounds because her friends ...
Apple iPad 2: photos 3 Mar 2011 | 09:24 am
Apple has announced the iPad 2 with new features including two cameras for FaceTime and a slimmer build.
Is a Detox Diet Plan For You? 20 May 2011 | 05:43 am
Some diets are not about losing weight. We often think of dieting as something to get slimmer, but dieting has other uses. Some use it to control diabetes, and some follow a diet that is gluten free b...
Mijn eerste Applescript voor Omnifocus 15 Sep 2011 | 09:55 pm
Omnifocus gebruik ik al een tijdje, maar het was meer een verzamelbak van stuff-todo dan een handige tool die me echt hielp slimmer te werken. Ik had me een beetje tot aanschaf laten verleiden, de iph...
Web Content Strategy and UX: Weekly Digest, 27 Mar 2011 28 Mar 2011 | 07:39 am
Our digest this week will be a bit shorter than usual because we’re jet lagged after literally flying half way around the world a few days ago. There’s also been slightly slimmer pickings on the Conte...
Lose Face Fat – 5 Simple Eating Tips To Help You Feel And Look Better 29 Jan 2011 | 05:10 pm
I know some of you are trying to lose face fat. Maybe you want to get rid of a double chin or chubby cheeks. And you want a “slimmer” face. Well, healthy eating habits play an important role when y...
One Month - No eating out Challenge 1 Nov 2011 | 08:34 am
If you are on a weight loss diet eating out can be hard on you and your efforts. Many of the menus are not catered to the interests of a slimmer or a healthy eater. Plan Your Eat Outs It is better t...
Effective Herbal Appetite Suppressants – Hunger Suppressants 16 May 2011 | 12:33 am
Author: Jane Smith You might have already noticed that there are several people who are using herbal appetite suppressants so that they can lose weight. And since you are trying to have a slimmer figu...
Benefits of Acai Berry Detox 24 Jun 2009 | 01:44 am
Acai Berry Detox is designed to cleanse and detox your system resulting in a healthier, slimmer body. This is great for people with a poor diet, for example, those who eat a lot of highly processed fo...
More compact- Slimmer and Than Other Dell Laptops Laptops 16 May 2012 | 11:00 pm
Dell continues to be achieving huge positive feedback with flying colors because of its laptops and dell Inspiron 1525 has added more shades for this flying palette of colours. Inspiron 1525 has an e...