Most my torrent client related news are at:

New Techno Land: FIFA 13 novità da Electronis Arts 3 Jun 2012 | 08:31 pm
New Techno Land: FIFA 13 novità da Electronis Arts: Come ogni anno la sfida tra i colossi dei videogiochi di calcio, FIFA e PES, si rinnova con maggiore vigore ed oggi Electronic Arts...
Trucchi Fifa 12 per Ps3 e Xbox360 16 Apr 2012 | 08:37 am
Stanchi di giocare a Fifa 12 usando sempre i soliti comandi base ? Probabilmente saprete già che gli sviluppatori hanno introdotto nel gioco moltissime azioni che possono essere eseguite dai giocatori...
More my torrent client related news:
Increase torrent download speed and protect against waste data 28 Jul 2010 | 07:13 am
Many of us use torrentz for downloading stuff like latest games, TV shows or a movie. However, if you’ve observed, there’s a lot of waste data downloaded and discarded by torrent client. You waste ban...
Angreifer hatten µTorrent Client gegen Scareware ausgetauscht 16 Sep 2011 | 09:01 pm
Im Bittorrent-Blog ist zu lesen, das am Freitag den 13. September gegen 13:20 Uhr (Zeiten in deutscher Ortszeit) der Server von µTorrent kompromittiert wurde und Angreifer den Download des µTorrent Cl...
IS Drive : Torrent client in Apple’s App Store 4 Oct 2010 | 09:11 pm
Finally a BitTorrent app named IS Drive has appeared in Apples App Store, in spite of the Apples past refusal to torrent clients in order to stop internet piracy.It is avilable for iPad , iPhone and ...
Seeders, Leechers, Peers and Trackers 16 Sep 2011 | 06:47 am
What are Seeder, Leechers, Peers and Trackers? All these three (other then trackers) just explains the type of people using torrents. These words appear all the time in a torrent client and on the we...
Trick to Download Torrent Files Direct [without Torrent Client] with Resumable LINK 19 Nov 2011 | 02:51 am
Downloading files from the Torrents site is easy and completely legal (unless you are downloading copyrighted files).Downloading speed from torrents depends upon various factors like seeders, leechers...
rtorrent – torrent client berbasis teks 20 May 2007 | 12:34 am
Buat para penikmat film yang punya profesi tambahan sebagai “penjahat bandwidth” pasti sudah sangat familiar dengan torrent. Tadi setelah muter2 di google, akhirnya dapet juga aplikasi torrent berbasi...
New way to download Torrent files without torrent client 11 Sep 2010 | 08:19 pm
In this post , we can see how to download Torrent files without using a torrent client.It's very simple and easy. Just go to the following site. Just paste the... ...
Mencari Torrent Film 19 Jan 2012 | 03:59 pm
Setelah sebelumnya kita mengenal Torrent kemudian mengenal Torrent Client yang terbaik yang dapat kita gunakan. Sekarang kita akan memanfaatkannya dalam porsi yang lebih spesifik lagi, yaitu mencari t...
CLANNAD ~AFTER STORY~ widescreen episodes 1-12 released 2 Jul 2009 | 01:53 pm
At long last, we have release the first twelve episodes of CLANNAD ~AFTER STORY~! They are in batches on the torrent tracker, but most torrent clients will allow you to download and/or prioritize ind...
6 Best Torrent Clients For BitTorrent Downloads 12 Mar 2010 | 09:26 am
BitTorrent is an Internet protocol that was developed by Bram Cohen in 2001. It is optimized for downloading large files from multiple sources (users) at the same time. In BitTorrent lingo, these user...