Most myisam to innodb related news are at:

Easy (and free) way to test a Drupal site with iPads, iPhones, and other mobile devices 15 Feb 2013 | 07:31 am
So you have a virtualhost set up for Apache and your local site is running at http://yoursite.local and everything is working great on your computer. Now you want to test that awesome responsive desig...
"I have an older version Drupal site and I feel stuck…" 9 Nov 2012 | 03:06 am
"Official support status" for various versions of Drupal core: Drupal 8 - projected to be released in second half of 2013 Drupal 7 - current release version Drupal 6 - officially supported still, b...
More myisam to innodb related news:
Symfony - Doctrine: Use a fully UTF8 database 20 Jul 2010 | 01:16 am
First, edit your config/databases.yml and add : Then open your config/doctrine/schema.yml and add at the top of your file : Of course, if you want to stick to myisam, replace InnoDB by MyIsam. Befw...
MySql Mass Convertion of Database Table’s Storage Engines from Other Types to InnoDB 26 Aug 2011 | 03:23 pm
A Few months back I had to convert moodle LMS database storage engine from MyISAM to InnoDB. Moodle has some 200+ databases and to manually convert each table takes an awful lot of time. My friend who...
A combination of MyISAM and InnoDB being used in WP database 9 Feb 2011 | 06:36 am
I'm still working on this, and it's a repost from the WP forum, where the original has gone unanswered: I have an issue with a very very large site that had been running MU, and then upgrade...
MyISAM vs. InnoDB – melyik a gyorsabb? 14 Sep 2012 | 02:07 pm
Legalább egymilliószor feltették már a kérdést, hogy MySQL adabzáis szerver esetén melyik tábla típus a gyorsabb, az InnoDB vagy a MyISAM. És legalább kétmilliószor megválaszolták már. Most én is meg ...
Конвертация таблиц MYSQL из MyISAM в InnoDB 21 Nov 2012 | 03:01 pm
Допустим у вас есть база в MYSQL созданная на движке MyISAM, и вам вдруг понадобилось использовать в ней внешние ключи, или FOREIGN KEY, который поддерживается только в движке INNODB, решение одно, ск...
InnoDB ve MyISAM – Karşılaştırma, Avantajlar ve Dezavantajlar 6 Jan 2013 | 05:46 pm
MySQL ile uğraşan yazılımcı arkadaşlar şu iki kelimeye çok aşinadırlar: MYISAM ve INNODB. Bunlar MySQL içerisinde saklanan tabloların kayıt edilme motorlarıdır. İşte bu yazımda da bu iki tür arasındak...
Конвертация таблиц MYSQL из MyISAM в InnoDB 21 Nov 2012 | 03:01 pm
Допустим у вас есть база в MYSQL созданная на движке MyISAM, и вам вдруг понадобилось использовать в ней внешние ключи, или FOREIGN KEY, который поддерживается только в движке INNODB, решение одно, ск...
针对MYSQL库MyISAM读写进行并发优化 18 Jun 2013 | 08:38 am
USING BTREE引起的MySQL导入错误 9 Dec 2011 | 06:24 am
最近一个项目中使用的使用mysql导入sql脚本时间出现错误 MySQL导入脚本命令 mysql -u username -p dbname < dbsql.sql 几次尝试没有成功,由于对Linux下命令行不是很熟悉,尝试使用phpMyAdmin来救急吧,安装完后运行SQL脚本出现以下错误: ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=72 DEFAULT CHARSET...
InnoDB Plugin 1.0.7 GA has been released 27 Apr 2010 | 04:47 am
The InnoDB team is pleased to announce the availability of InnoDB Plugin 1.0.7 GA, now included in MySQL 5.1.46. With this release the InnoDB Plugin reaches GA (General Availability) state and is rec...