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Gestern Abend 5 Feb 2012 | 11:56 pm
Gestern Abend war ich bei einem Sit-In von Sarah & Hakan - Habe sogut wie mein ganzes Wochenende mit Sarah verbracht. Erst war am Freitag nach langer Zeit meine Clari wieder bei mir, haben uns ganz vi...
Has the music industry forgiven Justin Timberlake for his MySpace links and accusations of artist exploitation? 28 Mar 2013 | 02:31 pm
Depending on where a musician sits in the music industry value chain, a top-10 list of what’s most important to an unsigned artist will differ greatly to one compiled by a million-album seller. Scratc...
50 Quick Social Media Marketing Strategies 1 Sep 2012 | 03:40 am
When Friendster and MySpace first came out, many entrepreneurs and professionals considered networking a mere fad for teens. But they changed their notion on creating connections online when other sit...