Most mysql change encoding related news are at:

Section 114A, Evidence Act 1950: Its Impact on Your Business 17 Oct 2012 | 05:23 pm
As the Deputy Chair of the FMM ICT&Multimedia, Im helping organise a seminar entitled "Section 114A, Evidence Act 1950: Its Impact on Your Business" on the 30th October 2012.(Do clicky to register - i...
Paintball in 3D! 21 Feb 2011 | 10:49 pm
Ooo, Paintball in 3D:
More mysql change encoding related news:
ubuntu server mysql change data dir 13 Jul 2011 | 01:18 am
一般而言 MySQL 要改变目录储存的路径 只要修改 my.cnf 中的 datadir 可是在Ubuntu 中就會發生錯誤,造成無法啟用 mysql 其實一切都是 Ubuntu 針對 services 機制搞的鬼 Ubuntu 新增了一个机制 apparmor ,简单来讲就是限制services可以访问的位置及权限 也因為這個因素,讓我們修改了 datadir 後就完全無法動作了! ...
InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 30 Jan 2012 | 12:31 pm
I was looking tonight on having the datadir for MySQL changed from /var to /home (as the /var partition was almost full). Once this has been done, I noticed that MySQL was no longer starting and it’s ...
veeven: all my statuses in Telugu are looking gibberish. I think mySQL double encoding is the problem. 5 Nov 2011 | 12:52 am all my statuses in Telugu are looking gibberish. I think mySQL double encoding is the problem.
MySQL Change Default Password 11 Dec 2010 | 06:20 am
MySQL secara default akan menggunakan user root dan password blank sebagai default. Dari sisi keamanan, hal ini bisa menjadi celah. Disisi lain terkadang kita mengakses MySQL melalui aplikasi yang men...
[PHP] Problem with iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string 11 Oct 2012 | 04:08 pm
What to do when you have a script using iconv() to change encoding of a string and you run into this error: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string
MySQL 出現 Could not initialize master info structure 修復 21 Aug 2013 | 10:10 pm
於 MySQL 設定同步 Replication, 將下述命令拆成兩組輸入, 如下述: mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_USER='repl', MASTER_PASSWORD='repl_password'; mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='my...
MySQL 出現 Could not initialize master info structure 修復 21 Aug 2013 | 10:10 pm
於 MySQL 設定同步 Replication, 將下述命令拆成兩組輸入, 如下述: mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_USER='repl', MASTER_PASSWORD='repl_password'; mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='my...
Wrong character encoding – Latin-1, UTF-8 data in MySQL 24 Jun 2011 | 03:17 pm
This article saved me quite some headache – also this is the cleanest solution of all. For several other workarounds, see Stackoverflow here. The solution that works was: delete the brackets, dont f...
Bulk ALTER TABLE with Rails 3 and MySQL 1 Feb 2011 | 02:34 am
With this commit, Rails migrations will support adding/removing/changing multiple columns via a single ALTER TABLE statement for MySQL. Let’s say you need to add 2 new columns to a table and modify d...
ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 825: MySQL server has gone away 7 May 2012 | 06:28 am
I got this error while importing an SQL file using mysql import tool. The file was quite big so my MySQL server just died. I my.ini file I changed 2 values: If you don’t have them- add them. Then I ...