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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-14 14 Oct 2012 | 02:10 am
@jesuscruz71 Contact us from here: # Related posts: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-23 RT @SAI: The Only Two Ways To Build A $100... Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-07 10...
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-07 7 Oct 2012 | 02:10 am
10 Spectacular Hotels That'd Make You Say Wow # RT @aczarto: Key actionable take-aways from the Business of Software conference: #BoS2012 # @activecollab Co...
More mysql copy table structure related news:
How to backup and restore your MySQL database or table structure to in Linux 23 Jan 2012 | 09:01 am
Whenever there is a database involved, an important task that should never be neglected is backing it up. In the case of MySQL on a Linux machine, backing up consists of executing a single command. Ba...
Convert all your MySQL database text fields to unicode (or any other encoding) 11 May 2011 | 07:49 am
Have you ever faced a problem when the text fields in your database have different encoding? This usually happens when you import table structure from another database with a different encoding, or wh...
Copying Rows from One Table to Another – C# 15 Sep 2011 | 11:56 pm
Use Clone method to copy the table structure (Schema) DataTable dtProductCopy = new DataTable(); dtProductCopy = dtProduct.Clone(); Use the ImportRow method to copy from...
MySQL: Moving table from one db to another 14 Dec 2009 | 12:42 am
To move one table from one db to another, you can create new table (create table foo_new like foo) in db where you want to move table and then copy data with insert into/select query. However there is...
Import/Convert DBF files into MySQL - Part 1 18 Jan 2006 | 03:13 pm
If you've been presented with the task of having to import a Dbase/DBF - here's a two step way to approach the problem. First the Mysql table structure needs to be created, and then the DBF is then re...
How to backup and restore your MySQL database or table structure to in Linux 23 Jan 2012 | 04:01 am
Whenever there is a database involved, an important task that should never be neglected is backing it up. In the case of MySQL on a Linux machine, backing up consists of executing a single command. Ba...
virtual mail dengan postfix, dovecot, mysql, dan squirrelmail 7 Sep 2012 | 08:02 am
database struktur -- -- Database: `mailserver` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `virtual_aliases` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `virtual_a...
Talking to Two MySQL Databases… 27 Feb 2013 | 07:56 am
Sometimes it is necessarily to copy table items from one database to another in MySQL. It is not recommended for normal practice, but it can save you a bunch of time when moving stuff (plus it is supe...
[MySQL] How to remove duplicate rows- the fast way 7 May 2012 | 06:12 am
Below you can two simple and fast method do remove duplicate rows from a MySQL table. Method 1 Let’s create a new unique index, like this: Method 2 Create a new table and copy content from old tab...
Techniques for Database / Query optimization 30 Mar 2012 | 10:56 pm
We usually assume that when using mysql, it automatically creates an optimized DB structure and we just have to create tables with proper integrity constraints and then rest of it is taken care of. W...