Most mysql database backup related news are at:

Cloud Backup to Google Cloud Storage Now Available from Zmanda 7 Mar 2012 | 06:45 am
Open Source Based Amanda Enterprise Integrated with Google's Open APIs
Nexenta Systems and Zmanda Release Next Generation Backup and Recovery Solution 28 Oct 2011 | 11:00 am
Zmanda to present and demo the NexentaStor integration at OpenStorage Summit 2011.
More mysql database backup related news:
Daily MySQL Database Backup & Email 19 Apr 2012 | 10:54 am
The following two scripts on crontab will automatically back up and email the database on a timely manner. This script will work on daily backup of Blogs such as WordPress / Drupal etc In this exampl...
Backup MySQL database to FTP 2 Oct 2011 | 04:01 pm
MySqlBackupFTP is a SQL backup tools to creates MySQL database backups. Its create database to Zips, Encrypts and FTPs. MySqlBackupFTP run Automates on Schedule and sends to e-mail confirmations. MySq...
New/Updated: cPanel MySQL Database Backup Script – Now Deletes Old Backups 14 Feb 2013 | 01:39 am
New/Updated: cPanel MySQL Database Backup Script Now Deletes Old Backups from your FTP space.
Copying/Moving a MySQL database 28 Mar 2008 | 12:24 am
If you ever have to move a database from one server to another, perhaps you'll find these notes handy. I...
Types of X-cart Modules 27 Apr 2010 | 10:38 pm
X-cart is a shopping cart software program that allows you to manage an online store. It was designed to work with MySQL database system. It’s a commercial program, so you need to pay if you want to g...
OwnTruth Hosting 29 Oct 2008 | 08:10 pm
OwnTruth Hosting. Reliable and Cheap. One Month Free Hosting. FFMPEG Enabled Unlimited Domain, sub Domains, MySql Databases, POP3/SMTP Accounts, E-mail Forwarders, E-mail Auto-Responders\r\nMailing Li...
Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld failed! 23 Jun 2011 | 07:29 pm
При переносе базы через rsync на новый сервер, подменился пароль на пользователя debian-sys-maint со старого сервера. При попытке перезапустить сервер выдавалась ошибка /etc/init.d/mysql restart Stop....
MySQL Database Checker 15 Jul 2011 | 03:43 am
MySQL Database Checker MySQL Database Checker released database schema tool comparison Published on July 14 2011 by Yvan
How to backup and restore your MySQL database or table structure to in Linux 23 Jan 2012 | 09:01 am
Whenever there is a database involved, an important task that should never be neglected is backing it up. In the case of MySQL on a Linux machine, backing up consists of executing a single command. Ba...
Backup MySQL databases automatically 28 Dec 2008 | 11:39 pm
AutoMySQLBackup is a great script that help us backup MySQL databases automatically. It can run thru cron job in or manually. It is easy to setup and make it works. I have just get it works only 5 min...