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More mysql forecast by date related news:
New iPhone 5 coming fall 2012 To Feature 3.5-Inch Screen and 4G LTE 24 Mar 2012 | 10:12 pm
Now that the the new Apple iPad has been launched, the rumor mill is turning its attention to the Apple iPhone 5. According to iMove, a site that correctly forecast the date when the Cupertino based f...
MySQL Tips on Date 8 Mar 2012 | 06:51 pm
While we work on some custom php or mysql projects then often we require to make transaction or actions reports based on dates and date range. Like Daily, yesterday’s, last seven day’s, last months, l...
Set of converter functions for Mysql to convert date between Jalali and Georgian calender 16 Jun 2011 | 03:02 pm
Sometimes ago I was looked for a converter function which can convert the date between Jalali and Georgian calender in Mysql server. I found an efficient and useful set of functions which was released...
MySQL difference between dates in number of days 17 Apr 2005 | 11:09 pm
To get a date difference in days in Mysql version before 4.1 (where you can use the datediff() function instead), do the following to calculate date difference: select (TO_DAYS(date1)-TO_DAYS(date2))
How Drupal Stores Dates in MySQL 19 Nov 2008 | 06:06 pm
Drupal stores dates in Unix time format. I had to look this up because I was trying to find email addresses for users who joined after a certain date. I used a SQL query in phpmyadmin and then exporte...
MySQL function returns dates of specified day & between date range 13 Sep 2012 | 12:49 pm
This mysql stored function will return you all the dates between given dates having specified day. In short if you say: give me all Sundays in this month. I have...
For Sale: Swhengtee Property Forecast Talk Program 2013 tickets 25 Dec 2012 | 02:04 pm
I’m having two tickets to let go. Details as follow: Swhengtee’s Property Investment Program & 2013 Annual Forecast Talk Date: 19/01/2013 (Saturday) Time: 09:30AM – 06:00PM (Registration Starts from 8...
WTS: Tickets to Swhengtee’s Property Investment Program & 2013 Annual Forecast Talk 25 Dec 2012 | 02:07 pm
I got hold of 2 tickets on the said seminar but not able to make it. Please leave a comment if you are interested: Swhengtee’s Property Investment Program & 2013 Annual Forecast Talk Date: 19/01/2013 ...
Set of converter functions for Mysql to convert date between Jalali and Georgian calender 16 Jun 2011 | 08:02 am
Sometimes ago I was looked for a converter function which can convert the date between Jalali and Georgian calender in Mysql server. I found an efficient and useful set of functions which was released...
Great Excitement Over Release of Optimize Press 2 1 Aug 2013 | 05:44 am
After 3 long years in development, buy optimizepress 2 steams ahead towards its forecasted launch date of July 31. Andrew Power from avatar marketing has anticipated that the launch of OP2 will cause...